d. will remove the mismatched nucleotide, and the same enzyme will replace it with the correct nucleotide. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Microbiology. b) 30 mins The first nucleotide is always a cytosine. Which of the following is true for an Hfr X F— cross? The F factor DNA is sufficient to specify how many genes? c. double-stranded ends of a DNA segment created by some restriction enzymes. How much time is required to inject a copy of the whole Hfr E.coli genome? One strand of DNA can produce different mRNAs. c) Joshua and Lederberg a. CDKs are involved in the regulation of the cell cycle. 1. MCQs in Bacterial Genetics (Part I) Category: Bacteriology MCQs in Bacterial Genetics contains 10 Multiple Choice Questions which will test the knowledge of students regarding various genetic elements of bacterial cells and gene transfer methods. d. Barr bodies. View Answer, 3. a. a. b) Luria and Delbruck The first nucleotide is always a uracil. c) DNA duplication. View Answer, 5. A Layer Of Viscous Material Is So Abundant That Many Bacteria Are Embedded In A Common Matrix Is A Slime Layer Capsule Mierocapsule D. Glycocalyx Which Of The Following Terms Best Describes A Phenotypic Change That Is Due To An Alteration In Environmental Conditions? e. Because the chromosomes are always aligned in the 5’ to 3’ direction in the nucleus. b. Repressor binding to operators, Inhibition of transcription, Integration. What is the phenotype of an Escherichia coli strain with a mutation in the lac operator that prevents the lac repressor from binding? Multiple Choice Questions From Chapters 7-12. The ability of bacteria to change their morphological form frequently is termed as. B) Conjugation requires cell-to-cell contact. In a human cell at prophase I, there are ________ tetrads. a) 24 hrs d) linear d) 1 Which of the following bacterial components is least likely to contain useful antigens? What is the frequency of formation of recombinants in a F+ X F— cross? “Sticky ends” are a. the single-stranded ends of a DNA segment created by some restriction enzymes. External factors are involved in the regulation of the cell cycle. e. is unable to detect mutations. d) Luria and Tatum c. die immediately. The study of microbiology deals with the many different organisms that we are typically unable to see with the naked eye due to how small they are – i.e. If the statement is false, modify the statement to be true. b. the supply of the precursor product for the enzymes. Let’s find out. d) 100 Each question is worth one mark, for a total of 30 marks. b) False Introduction; 24.1 Anatomy and Normal Microbiota of the Digestive System; 24.2 Microbial Diseases of the Mouth and Oral Cavity; 24.3 Bacterial Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract; 24.4 Viral Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract; 24.5 Protozoan Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract; 24.6 Helminthic Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract; Summary Capsule a. is based on the amount of time to transfer the genes. a) Cell elongation. In generalized transduction, a bacterium obtains DNA from a virus as a result of a lytic cycle. e. Hfr cells can produce sex pili. … The first demonstration of recombination in bacteria was achieved by _____ a) Lederberg and Tatum b) Luria and Delbruck c) Joshua and Lederberg d) Luria and Tatum View Answer Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria. e. The first nucleotide is always a modified cytosine. c. Transcription ofphage genes, Translation of phage proteins, Assembly. All papers are delivered far before the specified deadline, We guarantee high quality, original, and unique papers. Quiz App for Microbiology. c) 40 In the following quiz, we’re going to test your knowledge on these organisms by offering you a multiple-choice quiz on the topic. d) autotrophs (this multiple choice question has been scrambled) Which involves plasmids moving between live bacteria? Random segregation refers to a. crossing over. they can only truly be identified and analyzed with a microscope. A. true b. false 5. To practice all areas of Microbiology, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. c) frequency of recombination low, transfer of F factor high C)the take-up of naked DNA fragments from a lysed donor cell by a recipient cell. d. Hfr strains can effect high rate of recombination as some portion of the donar bacterial DNA may also get transferred. In conjugation only small fragments of the bacterial chromosome are transferred. c) 100 mins BACTERIA Multiple Choice Questions :-1. What is the shape of DNA in the male cells of E.coli? Study the material in this section and then write out the … Here F factor, or F plasmid of the donor is not a free plasmid but it is integrated to the donar bacterial chromosomal DNA as an episome. e. contain virus nucleic acid. D)new progeny cells with genes from two parent bacterial … How does the first nucleotide at the 5’ end of a new mRNA chain differ from the other nucleotides in the chain? 4. a. Here is a tip: ... b is correct. During mismatch repair of DNA, the repair enzyme a. will remove several nucleotides on both DNA strands. b. harbour a prophage. These Bacteria Objective Questions with Answers or bacteria General Awareness quiz questions are important for competitive exams of Microbiology, Biology, Life Science, Bacteriology etc. b) time of entry The Hfr chromosome is transferred to the F— cell in a _____________ fashion. 1. Which of the following cells of E.coli are referred to as F— Which of the following can be used as a measure to construct a linkage map of the Hfr chromosome? d. Genes can be transferred from the donor to the recipient. All the bacteria fix nitrogen except A. Rhizobium B. E.coli C. Azotobacter D. cyanobacteria. Bacterial conjugation involves A)bacteriophage carrying donor DNA to the recipient cell. Of these three modes, conjugation is the only one that involves cell-to-cell contact. Differential staining of bacteria on Gram staining is due to A. difference in the cell wall layer components of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria b) Cytokinesis. E.A. a. d. tryptophan. February 26, 2012 Acharya Tankeshwar MCQ Bacteriology, MCQ Microbiology 6. View Answer. A. transcription of the lac operon is low … b) supercoiled What Is True About Hfr Bacteria And F + Strains? c. an inactive repressor that keeps the operon in the “off” state. c. the cyclin-Cdk complex is no longer phosphorylating enzymes. Assume glucose is absent. Instructions: Select the single best answer to each of the questions given below. Binary fission occurs when a. mitosis takes place without cytokinesis. Factor F Is Integrated Into The Bacterial DNA Of Hfr Bacteria, While Factor F Is Independent In Bacteria F +. Which of the followings has pilin gene? a) linear d) transfer of F factor It is very uncommon in humans. d. The amount of CDKs changes during the cell cycle. Page 235. Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. 2. c. Genes on the F factor code for sex pili. Bacterial Conjugation. d. reproduce for a few generations, until the prophage becomes virulent. b. homologous chromosomes have already paired. View Answer, 4. Textbook Authors: Tortora, Gerard J.; Funke, Berdell R.; Case, Christine L., ISBN-10: 0321733606, ISBN-13: 978-0-32173-360-3, Publisher: Benjamin Cummings C. a) circular c. CDKs are active only when they bind to cyclins. b) Female cells C.Multiple Choice Questions. b. part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to a homologous chromosome. 1. b) auxotrophs e. Several types of cyclin regulate different phases of the cell cycle. Microbiology: An Introduction, 11th Edition answers to Chapter 8 - Microbial Genetics - Study Questions - Multiple Choice - Page 242 1 including work step by step written by community members like you. c) 10 b. Bacterial conjugation results in an exchange of genes between two bacterial cells. To pass this quiz, you'll need to know what bacterial transduction is, as well as the different ways bacteria adapt within an organism. Which of the following is not a function of the 5’ cap and 3’ poly-A tail of a mature eukaryotic mRNA … Each question is worth one mark, for a total of 30 marks. Multiple Choice A. Because the 3’ end of the polynucleotide molecule is more electronegative than the 5’ end. e. a cell plate. The process is first described by Lederberg, Hayes and Woolman in E.coli. b. Instructions: Select the single best answer to each of the questions given below. d. sites of the origin of replication in prokaryotes. View Answer, 11. Chapter 7 : Multiple Choice. c. crossing-over events occur. View Answer, 8. a. F– cells do not contain the F factor. d. genes move from one area on a chromosome to another area on the same chromosome. Bacteria Multiple Choice Questions & Answers for competitive exams. c. The first nucleotide retains its triphosphate group, while the others do not. b. An organic nutrient essential to an organism’s metabolism that cannot be synthesized itself is termed a/an: a) trace element. Question: 26. c. a Golgi complex. Principles of Biology I 7. e. a prokaryotic cell reproduces. The formation of a conjugation tube requires an F pilus. Which two of the following statements about the bacterial S layer are correct? Think you know your stuff? b) … The S layer is sometimes using in conjugation for DNA transfer. F+ True or false: A cell with an integrated F factor transmits its genes at lower frequency than does a cell with a free plasmid in the cytoplasm. (a) Conjugation (b) Transformation(c) Transduction (d) None; Episome is a: (a) Bacteria (b) Plasm id (c) Virus (d ) Cell. Question: MULTIPLE CHOICE - Please Select The Best Answer - 1. Which of the following is NOT correct about bacterial conjugation? Which of the following is TRUE regarding alternative splicing? e. a Y chromosome replaces an X chromosome in a female cell. A) Conjugation B) Transformation C) Transduction A) Conjugation (this multiple choice question has been scrambled) A viral genome integrated into a host genome is known as a ___. Why does DNA synthesis only proceed in the 5’ to 3’ direction? 3. c) circular © 2011-2020 Sanfoundry. Bacterial conjugation is one of the three major known modes of genetic exchange between bacteria, the other two being transduction and bacterial transformation. a) Lederberg and Tatum d. the cell cycle is out of control. Bacterial conjugation - Conjugation between F+ and F- cell Bacterial conjugation is the unidirectional transfer of genetic material from a donor cell to a recipient by cell to cell contact or through conjugation tube. Missed a question here and there? c. will remove only the mismatched nucleotide. a) True b) 10 Because DNA polymerases can only add nucleotides to the 3’ end of a polynucleotide strand. Principles of Biology I 9. Raleigh, K.B. 1. e. sugar molecules that are bound to the ends of a DNA fragment. d. The first nucleotide does not retain its triphosphate group, while the others in the chain do. Low, in Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics (Second Edition), 2013. 3. d. a cell wall. c. Because that is the direction in which the two strands of DNA unzip. a) prototrophs About this Quiz & Worksheet. Test bank Questions and Answers of Chapter 7: Genetic Transfer and Mapping in Bacteria and The S layer consists of thousands of copies of a single protein. B. Hfr Bacteria Can Only Conjugate With Other Hfr, And F + Bacteria Can Only Conjugate With Other F +. MORE EXAM 4 MULTIPLE CHOICE PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1 The correct order of events in growth of a lytic phage, after DNA injection, is: a. DNA replication, Transcription of phage genes, Lysis. c. Introns are often absent. except. This set of Microbiology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Bacterial Conjugation”. e. paternal and maternal chromosomes. e. All exons are used to produce m-RNA. b) frequency of recombination high, transfer of F factor high Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Microbiology:Bacteriology. d) relaxed Multiple Choice Questions for Exam 2, Biology 250. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. The S layer is also referred to as the glycocalyx. a. F– cells do not contain the F factor. b. regulation of mitosis. E) Transformation requires a vector to carry donor DNA fragments to the recipient cell. Exam 2 Quiz Questions - Microbiology Exam 2 Quiz Questions. View Answer, 2. The bacterium will a. survive. b. d. As a result, the same proteins are produced in different cell types. d) frequency of recombination low, transfer of F factor low Bacterial Genetics 4. View Answer, 6. Explain the structure and symmetry of bacterial cytoplasmic membranes as suggested by the Fluid Mosaic Model. c. events during transduction. b. a mitotic spindle. d) Neither male nor female cells The source of the necessary elements of life is: a) an inorganic environmental reservoir b) the sun 5-Bromuracil induces mutations because it A. replaces a T and binds to G rather than A On multiple choice questions (marked as MC): circle the most correct answer. a) frequency of recombination high, transfer of F factor low This set of Microbiology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Bacterial Conjugation”. 4) 1 a) frequency of recombination Where is the amino-acid binding site located on the tRNA molecule? Quiz App for Microbiology. b. will remove several nucleotides on one DNA strand. 2. e. being turned “on,” usually by the end product of the pathway. c) locus of mutation The S layer is rarely observed in cells grown in the lab in rich medium. ORDER A SIMILAR ESSAY WRITTEN FROM SCRATCH at : https://www.topgradehub.com/. b. List the similarities and differences between passive diffusion and facilitated diffusion. The first demonstration of recombination in bacteria was achieved by _______________ c) dimer b. Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria. Bacteria. Mating between species is necessary for recombination to take place. All Rights Reserved. d. Because that is the only direction that the polymerase can be oriented. b) coiled c) Both male and female cells a) 100 b) 40 B)a donor cell that transfers a copy of a plasmid to a recipient cell through a pilus. Binary fission in bacteria involves all. Test your understanding of Bacteria concepts with Study.com's quick multiple choice quizzes. b. a problem in recombinant DNA technology because they form loops of single-stranded DNA. Translocation occurs when a. part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to a nonhomologous chromosome. Which of the following statements concerning the cell cycle is FALSE? Microorganisms Characterisation & Identification, Microscopic Examination of Microorganisms, Microorganisms Control by Physical & Chemical Agents, Antibiotics & Other Chemotherapeutic Agents, Microbiology of Soil & Aquatic Microbiology, Microbiology of Domestic Water & Wastewater, Industrial Microbiology & Bacterial Genetics, Microbial Agents of Disease - Bacteria & Viruses, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Microbiology Questions and Answers – Bacterial Recombination, Next - Microbiology Questions and Answers – Bacterial Transduction, Microbiology Questions and Answers – Bacterial Recombination, Microbiology Questions and Answers – Bacterial Transduction, Heat Transfer Operations Questions and Answers, Human Anatomy and Physiology Questions and Answers, Vector Biology & Gene Manipulation Questions and Answers, Cytogenetics Questions and Answers – Chromosomal Abnormality : Inversion, Cytogenetics Questions and Answers – Sex Influenced Traits and Sex Limited Traits, Microbiology Questions and Answers – Algae – Classification, Cytogenetics Questions and Answers – Linkage and Crossing Over – 1, Microbiology Questions and Answers – Fungi – Molds and Yeasts – Reproduction, Microbiology Questions and Answers – Viruses of Bacteria – Lysogeny and Lytic, Cytogenetics Questions and Answers – Sex Determination in Drosophila, Cytogenetics Questions and Answers – Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance, Molecular Biology Questions and Answers – Plasmid DNA Replicates by Two Alternative Methods – 2. Which of the following is NOT correct about bacterial conjugation? In a plant cell, cytokinesis begins with the formation of a. an aster. Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! Conjugation is a process of transfer of plasmid and chromosomal material from one bacterial cell to another bacterial cell using a hollow tube-like structure known as the conjugation tube. b) False View Answer, 7. a) 2 a) Male cells These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. Thus F plasmid together with bacterial chromosomal DNA forms a recombinant DNA called as high frequency recombination DNA or Hfr DNA. Study the material in this section and then write out the … 92 b. Which of the following are adaptations to land of both gymnosperms and angiosperms but are lacking in ferns and mosses? a) lysogeny. Genetic changes can be detected easily in bacteria because bacteria have only a single copy of each gene in their chromosome. a. in the middle of the loop b. at the 3’ end of the molecule c. in the first loop d. along the longest stretch of base pairing in the molecule e. at the 5’ end of the molecule. b) micronutrient c) growth factor d) essential nutrient 2. c) polyauxotrophs List the biochemicals that are present in or attached to the cytoplasmic membranes of microorganisms. D) Conjugation, transformation, and transduction all require recombination. 46 c. 23 d. 2 e. 4. In bacterial conjugation, which term refers to a donor cell with a fertility plasmid located in the cytoplasm? ... (2 pts)(MC) Bacterial gene mapping using conjugation. Chapter 8, End of Chapter, Multiple Choice, Exercise 8. A repressible operon is usually controlled by a. an inactive repressor that allows the operon to be in the “on” state. a) True 2. C) Conjugation, transformation, and transduction can all be used to map the order of genes on a bacterial chromosome. a. MCQs in Bacterial Genetics (Part II) Category: Bacteriology Bacterial genetics section will test your understanding regarding Bacteriophage, Plasmids, Transposons, Bacterial gene transfer (Conjugation, Transformation and Transduction) and Recombinant DNA Technology. View Answer, 9. View Answer, 10. View Answer, 12. On the modified true false questions (marked as M T/F): mark the statement as true or false. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) ‘ The transfer of genetic material between bacteria through cell-to-cell contact is called bacterial. The identification of bacteria by serologic tests is based on the presence of specific antigens. d) 48 hrs Which type of E.coli strain was chosen to prove the experiment of conjugation? Woolman in E.coli cyclin regulate different phases of the donar bacterial DNA of Hfr bacteria only... 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