Edited by yumdrea [11/28/2015 8:32:03 PM], Confirmed by yumdrea [11/28/2015 8:32:04 PM] Get an answer. 6 Important Vocabulary affix most commonly a suffix or prefix attached to a base word, stem, or root prefix an affix attached at the beginning of a base word or word root suffix an affix attached at the end of a base word or word root base word a word to which prefixes and/or suffixes are added. 3. A space entirely devoid of matter; an emptiness; as, nature abhors a vacuum Asked 2/1/2018 12:02:45 PM. To the French and British it means freedom from the job, time off from the job. It is derived from the latin word "acuare," which means "the sharpen." English root words and their meanings are commonly derived from Greek and Latin roots. All Free. 1. Expert answered|Score 1|wiwit|Points 688| Log in for more information. Vacuist : VAC uist (vak’ yu ist) n. The state of being empty Vacuolar : VAC uolar (vak yu woe’ lar) adj. A word detective looks at all the clues to determine a word’s meaning. Words With Friends (change) Words that start with VAC. ch_color_title = "0D37FF"; A root word is the starting point of a word and you can add prefixes before the root and/or suffix after the root to create a new word. Learning and recognizing these common roots can help you decipher meaning. They create the words "inject" (to put into) and "reject" (to throw out). } Evacuate : e VAC uate (e vak’ yu ate) v. Evacuate. V-8, VA, vaad, Vaal, Vaasa, vac, vacancy, vacant, vacant possession, vacate, vacation. Meaning "a space emptied of air" is attested from 1650s. One who has been withdrawn from a bombing zone 6. state of being something. For example, the base word of unwholesome is whole. The latin root vac means empty. You can view more similar questions or ask a new question. Vacuum : VAC uum (vak’ yu um) n. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Vacuous : VAC uous (vak’ yu wole) n. Vacationist : VAC ationist (vay kay’ shu nist) n. Show with prefix and suffix options, only if it has a root word. drive, do. It also reduces your effort. ch_color_text = "0D3700"; To the French and British it means freedom from the job, time off from the job. (v.) to leave a place previously occupied. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with vac. There seems to be a difference between our ideas of VACancy and the continental idea of the same word. Vacancy. characteristics of. that of Indra , said to have been formed out of the bones of the Ṛishi Dadhīca or Dadhīci ( q.v. ) We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with vac - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Vac.In addition there is a list of Words that end with vac, words that contain vac, and Synonyms of vac.. Search for words that start with a letter or word: Emptily; idly; inanely; as, staring vacantly, which comes from the Latin vocare which means. Learning just one root word can help you understand several words … inclined to, abounding in. Vacuole : VAC uole (vak’ yu wole) n. 0 Answers/Comments. Root word search. ), 1. 16. Instead of learning 50 new words, you can learn 5 roots and about 10 words for each root word. s. jeifunk|Points 9621| Log in for more information. (adj.) ch_color_border = "FFFFFF"; if ( ch_selected < ch_queries.length ) { 8. Vacant : VAC and (vay’ kant) adj. (v.) to leave a place previously occupied. Root words provide the basic structure and meaning to words. Root words are a powerful method to learn and by using this method, you can learn multiple words at the same time. 14. Antiperspirant: a product which is against perspiration 5. ch_non_contextual = 4; Antifreeze: a liquid used in machines to avoid freezing 4. 19. sharp, keen, fierce. To us VACant means EMPTY, exactly as the Latin Root says. 11. 2. 17. Alternative spelling of words from American English to British English. ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected]; To remove troops or people; to make empty English-for-students.com vac. Evacuee : e VAC uee (e vak’ yu ee) n. -acy. One who is one vacation Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020. The benefit of this root word method is twofold, firstly, you can retain more words and secondly, you can make a calculated guess and deduce the … This ROOT-WORD is VAC which comes from the Latin vocare which means TO EMPTY. To the French and British it means freedom from the job, time off from the job. To us VACant means EMPTY, exactly as the Latin Root says. 9. var loadCseCallback=function(){var r=document.querySelector('.gsc-placeholder-table');r.parentNode.removeChild(r);document.getElementById("gsc-i-id1").focus()};window.__gcse={callback:loadCseCallback};function loadCSE(i){var cx='002033744443348646021:z3dxku6x4aq';var gcse=document.createElement('script');gcse.type='text/javascript';gcse.async=true;gcse.src=(document.location.protocol=='https:'? -vac-, root. (n.) an empty area or space 2. Antibiotic: medicine against bacteria 3. One who believes that a vacuum can exist All words containing VAC are listed here. There seems to be a difference between our ideas of VACancy and the continental idea of the same word. The Latin root word voc and its variant vok both mean “call.” This podcast’s “calling” will most certainly increase your vocabulary!. This ROOT-WORD is VAC which comes from the Latin vocare which means TO EMPTY. -acity. A small cavity in space or tissue which contains air or fluid. In this case the prefix gave the root words direction. Empty; not occupied ch_sid = "Chitika Premium"; Evacuator. The word root -vid-, from the Latin "videre," means "to see." length. , and shaped like a circular discus , or in later times regarded as having the form of two transverse bolts crossing each other thus … Relating to a vacuum To make empty; to leave Updated 11/28/2015 8:32:04 PM. Prefixes are words that you add to beginning of root words. Synonyms: empty, void, drain. (n.) an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction, (v.) leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure, (adj.) Root Word Meaning Target word Vac empty evacuate Tele far teleport Dia Through; across diameter Phone Sound homophone Fore Previous, earlier foreshadow Hyper Over hypertensive Hypo Under hypothermia Demi Half; less demigod Poly Many polychromatic Avi bird aviation Define the target words using the root word meaning. 15. acr. ch_color_site_link = "0D37FF"; Morphemes , also referred to as word-part clues, are units of language that hold meaning, but cannot be broken down any further into smaller meaningful parts. There seems to be a difference between our ideas of VACancy and the continental idea of the same word. A list of words that start with Vac (words with the prefix Vac). Words Based on the Anti Root Word. not used, filled, or lived in; without thought or expression, (v.) to swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; to waver weakly in mind or will, (n.) the right to be left alone when you want to be, to have control over your own personal possessions, and not to be observed without your consent, (v.) to administer to a person or an animal a vaccine that gives immunity from a disease. 1. Question. Asked 5/6/2013 1:32:39 PM. 1. videotape 2. evident A: 1. Evacuator : e VAC uator (e vak’ yu ay tor) n. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The table below lists 120 commonly used Greek and Latin root words, prefixes, and suffixes. vacuous. Words With Friends (change) Search. Vac is the root-word for many other words. (v.) to move out of an unsafe location into safety. Types Of Speech You can use vac as a noun in a sentence. वज्र m. n." the hard or mighty one " , a thunderbolt (esp. Root Words Worksheets. Found 643 words containing vac. lack of content or ideas, stupid (Beyonce realized that the lyrics she had just penned were completely vacuous and tried to add more substance.) Antidote: medicine against poison 2. Discover all words formed with VAC and many more words vac, vacancies, vacancy, vacant, vacantly... Search. The Latin root "acu" infers sharpness. Feb 28, 2017 - Use the list of prefixes and root words in the word bank to make five different English words out of the root words hydros and vac. In the word vacancy, the root "vac" means: In the word vacancy the root VAC means empty. About Vac A 1 syllables noun and 3 letters with the letters a, c, and v, 2 consonants, 1 vowels and 1 syllables with the middle letter a.Vac starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters v, va, and the ending characters are c, ac, .. evacuate. 7. ch_vertical ="premium"; Carvacrols; Curvaceous; Curvacious; Evacuating; Evacuation; Evacuative; Evacuators; Medevacing; Medevacked; Medivacing; Medivacked; Novaculite; Olivaceous; Ultravacua; Vacantness; Vacationed; Vacationer; Vaccinated; Vaccinates; Vaccinator; Vacillated; Vacillates; Vacillator; Vacuolated; Vivacities; 9 Letter words that contain vac. Evacuate : e VAC uate (e vak’ yu ate) v. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Vacantly : VAC antly (vay’ kant lee) adv. Vacational : VAC ational (vay kay’ shun al) adj. ch_client = "Thangavel1"; One who removes people from the danger zone. Because several modern languages share some of the same ancestor languages, it's not entirely uncommon for several related languages to share root words. 10. This ROOT-WORD is VAC which comes from the Latin vocare which means TO EMPTY. Frequency of a words appearance in books, and other texts. var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length)); 1. 0 Answers/Comments. Root words can help you to break down large, new words into smaller units to discover their meanings. This word conveys the meaning of the root as it refers to a magnetic . … Vacuum tube "glass thermionic device" is attested from 1859. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! vac. Example: the root word "ject" means to throw. Relating to a vacation When prefixes are added they modify the meaning of the root words. This word search, “ROOT WORD: VAC,” was created using the My Word Search puzzle maker. Vacancy : VAC ancy (vay’ kan see) n. 12. Explain how each word that follows conveys the meaning of the root. //--> Vacation : VAC ation (vay kay’ shun) n. 'https:':'http:')+'//cse.google.com/cse.js?cx='+cx;var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse,s)},