The problem with the idea that eternal conscious torment does not benefit God or the one that God punishes is that it mistakenly assumes there must be a benefit to God and to those punished. 14:10–11). If a cat is both fuzzy and gray, affirming that the cat is gray does not deny the fuzziness. Let’s first see some examples of better translations that don’t erroneously translate “eternal” into this verse: The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible, 1976, “And these shall go away into age-abiding *correction, but the righteous into **age-abiding life.”, The twentieth Century New Testament, 1900, “And these last will go away ‘into onian punishment, but the righteous ‘into onian life.”, “And these will depart into age-continuing correction, but the righteous, into age-continuing life.”, “And these shall go forth to the aionian 1 cutting-off; but the RIGHTEOUS to aionian Life.”, The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Anointed, 1958, “And these shall go away into agelasting cutting-off and the just into agelasting life.”, “And these will go away into eonian correction, but the righteous into eonian life.”, The New Testament, A New Translation, 1980, “Then they will begin to serve a new period of suffering; but God’s faithful will enter upon their heavenly life.”, And these shall be coming away into chastening eonian, yet the just into life eonian.”, “And these shall go away into age-abiding correction, But the righteous into age-abiding life.”. So the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha will also burn the wicked in the lake of fire. Posted by. In Defense of the Eternal Conscious Torment View of Hell February 29, 2016 Preston Sprinkle Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! These Christians point to biblical references to eternal punishment, as well as eternal elements of this punishment, such as the unquenchable fire, the everlasting shame, the "worm" that never dies, and the smoke that rises forever, as consistent with the traditional doctrine of eternal, conscious torment of the non-believers or sinners in hell. Let’s be truthful and candid enough to call a spade a spade! Why? Okay, so the correct translation is “agelong“? 2:35 “the wind swept them away without leaving a trace.” This continues the theme of totally destroyed– there’s not a trace of the wicked. If these first two points stand, “eternal punishment” should be translated as something like “age-to-come chastisement” and therefore, Matthew 25 could not be used to support the eternal, conscious torment view. Each of the other two theories, fully taught, says hell exists and people will be punished in it. God is love, 1 John 4:16. First, you haven't yet shown a source (biblical or otherwise) to evidence that any Pharisees believed that death was a conscious expereince, second, there is no "eternal" in the story, as the judgment is not yet and the end effect of the punishment of judgment is described as destruction into ash from both Jesus and John the Baptist. By that I mean, hell is not a place where people who sin and disbelieve are sent to be punished and tortured. God will never die, or end just because ages do, but doesn’t God relate to what he creates, even if He is not limited to what he creates? When we study that out to find that immortality and life are distinguishable concepts in the Bible, you might be surprised to what level the meaning of “life” is misunderstood by prevalent Christian theology. For now, here is another scriptural example of how God “pertains to” – without being limited to – what he creates: God is the “God of heaven and the God of the earth.” (Genesis 24:4-3) Which one cancels out the other? The Smoke of Their Torment Will Rise Forever And Ever – Revelation 14:11. It’s the ONLY verse in the entire Bible where we find the word “eternal” beside the word “punishment”. Let’s recap the facts we’ve already discussed: Why should anyone assume that such facts would limit God? Here are just a few translation examples for proof of these discrepancies: As you can see, there are many translations (most you probably haven’t heard of) that don’t include “hell” on a single page of the entire Bible!! from Gustave Doré's (1832-1883) illustrations of Dante's Inferno I do not believe that the Bible actually teaches that hell is a place of eternal conscious torment. Instead, they should have reasoned that kolasis was corrective, therefore eonian cannot be endless.”. Really, it doesn’t because the very concept of eternity defies pluralization of itself. In this one scripture, not only does Paul affirm that God is of the age (aion), he also confirms that God has glory and honor “unto the ages of the ages,” just as King David also said that “God’s years are throughout all generations.“. This is utter nonsense and completely unbiblical. The fact that human beings were made in the very image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26-27) should suggest, to those who contemplate issues seriously, that we are more than mere temporal creatures passing through time toward oblivion. Of course, if only one point stands, Matthew 25 cannot … I'm guessing you may have a different definition of "soul" than I do. However, we do see that “aionion” is used to describe God himself, who is certainly not temporary – which is a large contributing factor in the confusion. As we’ve demonstrated, though there is punishment, it is corrective – which automatically should disqualify “eternal” as a possible translation if given only the two options of: age-long & eternal. But, at closer examination, both of logic and the scripture, it actually falls apart. It’s the ONLY verse in the entire Bible where we find the word “eternal” beside the word “punishment”. Richardson hopes to make a robust case for traditionalism / Eternal Conscious Torment {hereafter ECT} by arguing inductively from soul immortality, often referring to her clarion cry of Mt. Some rightly reason that it cannot keep this meaning if it is to be translated everlasting. All rights reserved. Eternal conscious torment is immoral by nature To accuse God of enacting eternal conscious torment would make God immoral. I'm guessing you may have a different definition of "soul" than I do. Eternal Punishment. FORBIDDEN THEOLOGY IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. In Answering Fundamentalism, Greek Word Study, Universal Salvation/Reconciliation by Forbidden TheologyApril 21, 2019. Using Biblehub‘s online lexicon, we can see that the Greek word for punishment is “kolasin” which means CORRECTION. Which of course is the complete opposite type of punishment we have been taught to believe. Generations represent continual progression of ages in time. No … Some recent writers such as Anglican layman C. S. Lewis [86] and J.P. Moreland [87] have cast hell in terms of "eternal separation" from God. In this episode of The Remnant Radio, Jordan Sutton is coming on the show to discuss conditionalism. But, the true meaning of aion does not, because ages do multiply unto themselves. Matthew 25:46 is the poster child verse for those who believe in eternal conscious torment in hell. Therefore everlasting destruction is not self-inflicted at all; it is executed by God himself as the just consequences for a person’s bad choices (Matthew 10:28, 2 Thessalonians 1:9 & James 4:12). Because of that, my search for truth was stopped in its tracks. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. What are the best scriptural arguments for an eternal hell? Pharisees weren't being warned of Eternal Conscious Torment. First, when have we ever seen an adjective that is an antonym of its respective noun?! Second, sins of the damned can be eternal in that sinners continue to sin throughout eternity. Which is the reason why we need a resurrected body designed for such an occasion. When somebody says that “aion” and “aionios” do not mean “ever” or “for ever,” he is not denying God’s immortality. It is that of “eternal conscious torment” for all those who do not “accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior” in this life. Actually hellfire doctrine is in the scriptures, but eternal conscious torment is not. Likewise, God’s distinction of pertaining to the ages, does not cancel out his immortality. If God did not relate to the ages, how could we ever know Him? After death there is no longer any hope considered for them. No verse actually says that. My thesis is both positive and negative. The reason the bible doesn’t speak in such a ludicrous way is simply because this doctrine of eternal conscious torment in not a biblical teaching. Many proponents of annihilationism understand death to mean the cessation of existence, especially conscious existence. Regardless of what “destroy” really means — whether literal destruction or eternal torment — the fact is that it is God Himself who is doing the destroying (or authorizing the destroying). Second, we have reason to believe that those in hell will … We are so persuaded of our position, and so confident in the Scriptural evidence presented on this site, that we honestly do not believe that anyone who shares our faith in the final authority of Scripture will be able to cling to endless torment after reading this entire site and the links. This is something Jesus did. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” –Jesus (Matthew 10:28). All four traits apply to him. The eternal fire which brought Sodom to ashes is an example of what will finally happen to the wicked. Likewise, believers may have “the life of the ages” and also be promised a future immortality. Now for the word “eternal”, which comes from the Greek word “aionion/aionios“: Strong’s 166: Notice how it says the definition could be “agelong” or “eternal”. Third is the argument from the word eternal. King David said this: Psalm 102:24 – I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are throughout all generations. Hell and hellfire, lake of fire is throughout the whole of scripture. Eternal Torment. Neither. The reason the bible doesn’t speak in such a ludicrous way is simply because this doctrine of eternal conscious torment in not a biblical teaching. (Note that the "Smoke of their torment" rises forever, not their torment) However, the image of rising smoke, and even the claim of smoke rising forever, is in fact an Old Testament idiom that describes destruction, not ongoing burning (let alone ongoing torment). The word aionios neither means “infinite” OR “temporary.” Instead, it means “PERTAINING to the aions/ages.” Does God NOT pertain to the ages? The above passage, 2 Timothy 1:10, makes it plain that until Jesus was raised for our justification, the power of death was not destroyed and hence, immortality was not available to us—life was not available to us. And finally, I leave you with a powerful quote by Gary Amirault: “A loving Father knows how to bring correction to His children without consigning them to an endless torture chamber. It is that of “eternal conscious torment” for all those who do not “accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior” in this life. The simplest is simply some lake of fire where people flop around screaming for eternity, the more complex views vary. “Aion” would have to mean something similar to “eternity” in order for its adjective form to be “eternal” – but instead, we clearly see throughout scripture that “aion” means “age”. 17 comments. They are traits which build up the total truth of God’s nature. It’s absolutely ludicrous therefore to force the adjective form of “aion” to then mean “eternal”. For example, Revelation 11:10 mentions how two prophets “tormented those who live on the earth.” The torment spoken of here is not self-inflicted at all; it comes from an outside source. Tartaro One other words used for hell, Tartaro, or Tartarus in English, from Greek Myth. Such an understanding does not rob God of his immortality, but simply underscores the important relationship drawn in the New Testament between God and the ages He created to execute his plan to live within his followers. Let’s now return to Keller’s key definition: Of course it would. Let my readers mark well this fact: These verses, some of the strongest quoted in favor of eternal conscious torment, are speaking of the burning of dead corpses only! Why did Eternal Conscious Torment become the majority view of hell instead of Annihilationism or Purgatorial Universalism? And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night” (Rev. THEY ARE COMPLETELY OPPOSITE CONCEPTS! Because these verses are directly related to Matthew 18:9 and 5:29-100, all six references are thus irrelevant concerning eternal conscious torment. He continues in the interview to explain that while he went back and strengthened the chapter on the eternal conscious torment of the damned, after studying the topic he is really agnostic. They say that when someone dies, the whole person dies. It is also called traditionalism because it is the church’s traditional view. Keep note of this, we will address this shortly. So I'm pretty sure the eternal conscious torment taught by Jesus (Matthew 25:46) contradicts the sense of God's justice in the OT, and you can hardly blame a skeptic for using the earliest revelation as the gold standard by which to judge the later revelation. Is this so difficult to understand? To believe in eternal conscious hell means one believes they will not be snuffed out at all. Where do the annihilationists get it wrong? Theologians and pastors I trusted sounded logical when they reasoned “if life is eternal, punishment is also eternal, because the same Greek word, “aionion“, is used for both”. In this post, I want to summarize the best arguments for eternal conscious torment (ECT)—the traditional view of hell where the wicked will experience never-ending punishment. Regardless of what “destroy” really means — whether literal destruction or eternal torment — the fact is that it is God Himself who is doing the destroying (or authorizing the destroying). The Most Destructive Doctrine — No, it is not “Hell”, No Mess is too Messy for Jesus, Including Suicide – In Memory of Jarrid Wilson, Answering Fundamentalism, Universal Salvation/Reconciliation. Eternal conscious torment is consistent in that the only thing that the wicked have not yet faced is God’s full wrath in the body. Again, with the understanding that the definition of “correction” means “to make right”, don’t you think an all-powerful God attempting to correct someone would eventually produce the level of righteousness that He desires in that person? Your email address will not be published. Furthermore, I have not yet heard what the conditionalist means by benefit. However, in this scripture, Paul ALSO affirms God as both invisible and immortal. The problem with this line of reasoning begins with the first premise. Eternal Conscious Torment. This thread is archived. Given the Old Testament’s emphasis on … (Hell-fire, or the lake of fire mentioned in Revelation, can be thought of as a place reserved for fallen angels. A few verses later, we read that … from Gustave Doré's (1832-1883) illustrations of Dante's Inferno I do not believe that the Bible actually teaches that hell is a place of eternal conscious torment. In an interview a few years ago he stated, "My description is neither an annihilationist view nor an eternal conscious torment view." God wills us to love our enemies, who abuse, wrong, and hate us; much more will God love his enemies, Luke 6:35. Everlasting conscious torment has its advocates, though statistically the evidence is far heavier on the side of ultimate extinction. This destruction is sometimes seen as accomplished by fire, and sometimes it is preceded by a period of conscious anguish and suffering before it is consummated in eternal … So I'm pretty sure the eternal conscious torment taught by Jesus (Matthew 25:46) contradicts the sense of God's justice in the OT, and you can hardly blame a skeptic for using the earliest revelation as the gold standard by which to judge the later revelation. Everlasting is itself wrong, so they change kolasis to correspond with the wrong translation punishment, making both wrong. This is a eternal fire as like Sodom and Gomorrha they will be no more as … In the English language, we understand the word eternal to mean: “without beginning or end, lasting forever, outside of time“: Whereas agelong has the complete opposite concept: “lasting for an age”, with “age” clearly referring to something with a beginning and an end that is bound by time. The entire purpose and definition of an adjective is “a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.”. It means that there will be an age of correction and an age where those in Christ will be experiencing “life of the ages”. Featured Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment, biblical or not? Your email address will not be published. Both references obviously apply to the same position — that of never-ending conscious suffering. Same greek word used in this verse for both eternal life and eternal torment. God is big, even bigger than the universe, but is He limited to being big? Does God really torment people eternally in hell? You’re telling me that God didn’t even mention ONCE for thousands of years about this place called hell? The Greek scholar, A.E. Parents and clergy have used it as a threat to pull offenders back into line, while others have even considered it comforting that the “bad guys” will get the justice they deserve in the end. Eternal torment is contrary to the revealed nature of God Himself. Hell, Hades, Gehenna, the Lake of Fire, and similar places of eternal torment have often been the subject of books, poetry, art, philosophy—even humor. You may have noticed in HELL KNOW that I regularly refer to the view of eternal torment as eternal torture. In my previous post, I summarized some of the strongest biblical arguments in favor of terminal punishment. Before we proceed, here is an abbreviation: ECT = Eternal, Conscious Torment (the traditional view). At a superficial level, that seems fine. In Christ Alone. Mark 9:45-46 The word “aionios” doesn’t mean any of those things either. It is an eternal punishment. Second, there is the view of Annihilationism which is sometimes referred to as “Conditional Immortality.” John Stott admitted that eternal conscious punishment would be much more sensible to him if “perhaps (as has been argued) the impenitence of the lost also continues … One of the disagreements between the two views is over the meaning of death.. 100% Upvoted. ... Hell is the LOF, as the LOF is the place of eternal punishment, which is the definition of hell. Does the indwelling life of Christ NOT pertain to the ages? The questions are—how long does it last, what are its punishments; in short, what is the nature and duration of the punishment? This is the opposite of eternal life in hell. That may not be what it takes for a rock to exist, but a rock doesn't feel pain, either. I have no idea where Mr. Geisler got this definition for torment (that it is always self-inflicted), but it certainly wasn’t from the Bible. Let me begin with some of the weaker, though common, arguments that are often given for ECT. 25:41 and 2 Pet. If the lake of fire is really a continuous torment, the person experiencing that torment would have to exist, Else it's not torment. By that I mean, hell is not a place where people who sin and disbelieve are sent to be punished and tortured. Think of it like a mortgage—at some point, you pay it off and satisfy the debt. Eternal torment does not correspond with the nature of God. Which one cancels out the other? If a person unrepentently rebels against God and makes himself or herself miserable through sin (usually spreading misery to others as well), the kindest, most merciful thing God could do is to let such a person die, which is the “wages of sin” (Romans 6:23). If these first two points stand, “eternal punishment” should be translated as something like “age-to-come chastisement” and therefore, Matthew 25 could not be used to support the eternal, conscious torment view. Therefore, a better understanding of “aionion” means pertaining to an aion/age. Is not God also smaller than the tiniest atomic particle, able to see all things? Just to visualize this further, look at some of these common nouns and their adjective forms: You get the point. Of course, if only one point stands, Matthew 25 cannot … So, why confuse his immortality with his glory and honor in the ages he created, when they are not the same traits? More positively: The Scriptures, in particular, the New Testament, teach ECT. Is punishment “eternal”? 20:10). Therefore, eternal conscious torment is not true, since God is not immoral. Featured An argument for "eternal conscious torment" Discussion in 'Controversial Christian Theology' started by Ripheus27, Sep 5, 2018. This argument is more unbiblical mumbo jumbo. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Eternal conscious torment) In Christian theology, Hell is the place or state into which, by God's definitive judgment, unrepentant sinners pass in the general judgment, or, as some Christians believe, immediately after death (particular judgment). Close. And so he lands somewhere in the middle. The Bible says that Jesus died for the church (Ephesians 5:25). Dogmatizing About Eternal Conscience Torment in Hell Kurt Simmons . 27:4. Since the concept of “agelong” involves a beginning and an end, this would technically have the concept of being temporary. You will only find these erroneous mistranslations in some English Bible translations. See Matt. And other than the King James Versions, all modern Bibles do not include hell in the Old Testament at all! Scripture on Eternal Hell, and Conscious, Eternal Torment Now that we have an explanation of this teaching from the official Catholic source, let us expand this from Scripture. Few passages from the Old Testament are cited as evidence that hell is a place of eternal torment. Nowhere in the Bible is the soul said to be immortal. It’s crystal clear that adjectives describe their related nouns – this is just how language works. If not defined this way, we have several logical fallacies happening in one verse. Of course he does. A moral objection to eternal conscious torment (ECT) is that if sinners are tormented in hell for all eternity (or, to be more precise, the lake of fire), then God’s justice is never satisfied. How so? Not one of those passages says hell is eternal conscious torment. Nearly all the evidence provided for the doctrine of eternal torment in a fiery hell comes from the New Testament. Discussion in 'Christian Theology Forum' started by Hobie, Dec 28, 2019. He is God of both. Just because aionios is applied to God does not mean “aionios” automatically means “eternal.” God can pertain to the ages, and also be immortal, and the scriptures testify to both as you will see. Eternal conscious torment is a fitting punishment for sin committed against a great and infinitely glorious God. What has compelled him to create his own personal and unbiblical definition for “torment” (that it is only self-inflicted)? In those texts its tracks comes from the Old Testament are cited as evidence hell... Sinners continue to sin throughout eternity tyrants and a few demented earthly parents may do such to... I regularly refer to the wicked will suffer the pains of hell makes much when. Nowhere in the early church discussion in 'Controversial Christian Theology ' started Ripheus27... Course is the definition of `` soul '' than I do person would be unable to bring misery... 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