type: 'POST', This is where an API becomes an important component of a DAM. However, since the JS Use API allows you to use Java classes and methods in it, you should be able to use them to fetch the information. Otherwise here are the needed AEM configurations that you will need to perform: The first step is to create the configuration for our sample project, fragmentexamples. For general documentation, see Marketing Cloud API user documentation. If you have never worked on such kind of use case then this is a must to learn and implement article for you. If you are not familiar with an Adobe Maven Archetype project, it is recommended that you read the following article: Creating your first AEM Service using an Adobe Maven Archetype project. com.adobe.granite.asset.api.AssetManager assetApiMgr = resourceResolver.adaptTo(com.adobe.granite.asset.api.AssetManager.class); Following is the solution for getting data from DAM and writing the Data. Finally notice that the AJAX request specifies the form data that is submitted. The following XML represents this file. Click the Bundles tab, sort the bundle list by Id, and note the Id of the last bundle. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Adobe.com. If the status is not Active, check the CQ error.log for exceptions.   |       processData: false, Use the AssetManager API to work with DAM instead of directly dealing with the JCR Nodes. Digital asset management. Right-click /apps/slingFile/components/page, then select Create, Create Component. cq-dam-core bundle to cq-dam-commons, see here AbstractAssetHandler. This article also discusses how to create a web page that invokes an operation exposed by the OSGi bundle and display the results in a grid control. We have to do this in a combination. This method uses the AssetManager API to place the file into the following DAM location: The writeToDam method accepts the InputStream instance (the uploaded file) and the uploaded file name as parameters. It gives you the flexibility to choose your ideal digital asset management vendor, even if they don’t have a required integration. Browse to the bundle JAR file you just built using Maven.     } Discusses how to create an AEM application that lets users select image files and upload them to a Java Sling Servlet. To view the welcome page, enter the URL http://[host name]:[port] into a web browser. System.out.println(fileNode.getPath());            return fileNode.getPath();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }, I have tried to save XML files using the above code with one change. resNode.setProperty("jcr:mimeType","XML"); The code runs, but i cannot locate the xml file in the CQ5 DAM http://localhost:4502/damadmin#/content/dam. The fully qualified names of the Java objects are used so you understand the data types used in this code fragment. ... Rather than creating a custom API through an AEM servlet we could also utilize either the default GET API, the Assets HTTP API, or the Sling Models API. APIs. The Java class uses a SlingServlet annotation: @SlingServlet(paths="/bin/updamfile", methods = "POST", metatype=true). com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager assetMgr = resourceResolver.adaptTo(com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager.class); assetMgr.createAsset(, ,, true); for XML files, … Customization . In this example, a JQuery AJAX Post request is used and the file is posted to the Sling Servlet's doPost method (the method defined in the HandleDamFile Java class). It provides a comprehensive API to perform all operations on assets and is intended to provide a full command line interface for working with AEM DAM. Open the new page that you created by double-clicking it in the right pane. Viewed 836 times 3. Post questions and get answers from experts. Watch this webinar on-demand from Bounteous as they reveal a personalized asset navigation system, DAM Views for AEM [[INFO] Total time: 14:46.131s STEP 1: To edit an existing mapping, visit AEM Cloud Services (/etc/cloudservices.html) and find the Contently integration in the list. Edit Existing Mappings. This lines up with the Java class that extends org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingAllMethodsServlet that was created in an earlier step. Modify the POM files to successfully build the OSGi bundle that contains the Sling servlet. about; products. com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager assetMgr = resolver.adaptTo(com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager. The type in the AJAX request maps to the methods property in the SlingServlet annotation. Experience Manager Assets is a cloud-native DAM built for today's content needs, letting you easily manage thousands of assets to create, manage, deliver, and optimize personalized experiences at scale. [INFO] Final Memory: 10M/184M, 5. That is, it's to illustrate how to write an OSGi bundle that contains a custom sling servlet that uses com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager API to work with digital assets. An Adobe Experience Manager client web page that lets a user select a file and upload it to the AEM DAM. You can create an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) application that lets a user select a file from their local desktop and upload it to AEM Digital Asset Manager (DAM). are included in the com.adobe.cq.slingupload.HandleFile class. SonarQube+JaCoCo integration November 3, 2019. Please refer to the AEM community page for other articles that discuss how to build AEM services/applications by using an Adobe Maven Archetype project. Automatically publish assets on modification using Workflow Launcher in AEM January 26, 2016. The following code represents the AJAX request. JCR SQL2 query is executed by the Oak Engine. Use constants available in AEM instead of repeating inline literals. Connected DAM for Sites Authoring. The code runs, but i cannot locate the xml file in the CQ5 DAM, Pls mention proper mimetype:  resNode.setProperty("jcr:mimeType",", http://localhost:4502/damadmin#/content/dam, Uploading files to Adobe Experience Manager DAM using AssetManager API, http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/javadoc/com/day/cq/dam/api/handler/AssetHandler.html. Create an Experience Manager application folder structure that contains templates, components, and pages by using CRXDE Lite. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version (which currently is AEM 6.5 ). Replace the JSP code with the new code shown in this section. 3229. Within the doPost method, create Java Sling application logic that  reads the file that is uploaded to the Sling servlet. It can be implemented via servlets where a Ajax call can be made. With groovy, one can manipulate content in the JCR, call OSGi services, or execute arbitrary code using the AEM, Sling, or JCR APIs. The final task is to create a site that contains a page that is based on the templateUpload (the template created earlier in this development article). Read the report now > Rise above the challenges of digital asset management. Before following along with this development article, create a folder in the AEM DAM named travel located at /content/dam/. It can be implemented via servlets where a Ajax call can be made. To use and utilize the power and ease of groovy in AEM, we need to install Groovy Console package in AEM. Adobe Experience Manager Assets Next generation digital asset management. To view the CQ welcome page, enter the URL http://[host name]:[port] into a web browser. AEM Good practices. To test whether you properly setup Maven, enter the following Maven command into a command prompt: This command provides Maven and Java install details and resembles the following message: Java home: C:\Programs\Java64-6\jre I have a certain JS File in DAM, that contains a JSON. Right-click the apps folder (or the parent folder), select Create, Create Folder. One of the more interesting libraries to me is Apache Felix RootCause, an interesting utility for debugging Declarative Services issues.Additionally, the bundle list also shows some of the new features in AEM as a Cloud Service such as an integration with Adobe IMS, an … Prerequisites: Develop Websites and Components in Adobe Experience Manager . This post explains the different approach to calculate the size for specific content or DAM path Creating package through package manager: Create the package through package manager for specific content/DAM path. Using AEM, organizations can build web applications, responsive websites, mobile applications, forms, etc. To add the JQuery framework to your component, add a cq:ClientLibraryFolder mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeRepository=https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/ -DarchetypeGroupId=com.day.jcr.vault -DarchetypeArtifactId=multimodule-content-package-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.2 -DgroupId=com.adobe.cq.sling.upload -DartifactId=upload -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackage=com.adobe.cq.sling.upload -DappsFolderName=myproject -DartifactName="My Project" -DcqVersion="5.6.1" -DpackageGroup="My Company". Note: Each API key can only be used to create one cloud configuration. In this example, assume that the working directory is C:\AdobeCQ. There is no OOTB API to do this if that's what you are looking for. Servlet to get all tags assigned to a DAM Asset in… December 2, 2015. Endless integration possibilities with HTTP API. Drag and drop the jquery-1.6.3.min.js file to the clientlibs node by using CRXDE. Hello community, we are currently working with one of our big customer for some years now around Drupal. Another way to get all the properties of an AEM asset from the dam:Asset node itself to the metadata node (jcr:content/metadata) is using Apache Sling Models and adapting each resource returned by your query to this model.. For example: The uploaded file is placed into an InputStream instance named stream. For example, http://localhost:4502. I am not sure if there are pure JS Use API methods which allow you to do it. class); String newFile = path + fileName; assetMgr.createAsset(newFile, is, mimetype, true); // Return the path to the document that was stored in CRX. WhatsApp. 0. So you can script asset migrations of a larger size, or you can utilize let's say an FTP sync, or you have a process that watches an FTP folder and automatically downloads and syncs those assets with an AEM Assets installation. Configurations are named after your Contently integrations. 1.     url:'/bin/updamfile', The above code can be used to upload any asset to dam at runtime. 2) how does one delete files from a DAM node in Java. Enter. ... AEM GEMS 2018 08 ... Metadata Profiles in DAM in AEM 6.3 - Duration: 7:34. AEM Assets also provides various ways to call their API. The documentation on this integration is scattered across multiple places; this document combines the integration and the best practices in one place. Then the content fragment Java API’s allow for easy to implement components driven by content fragments. Once uploaded, the Servlet uses the AssetManager API to store the image file in the Experience Manager DAM. Watermarking Lets get started!! When we need to return all the properties of an Asset (or a Node, Asset is also a node), there is no single method that will return all the properties. 4. Repeat steps 1-4 for each folder specified in the previous illustration. How to get an image URL Right-click an image on the web and copy the image’s URL. Enter the following information into the Create Component dialog box: 5. exclusive collection; free offers; backgrounds API; DAM; aesthetics; press; free images. Online Privacy Policy. The Assets HTTP API is a specific part of the general Marketing Cloud API. After some research, i found the below solution. Experience Manager Assets is a cloud-native DAM built for today's content needs, letting you easily manage thousands of assets to create, manage, deliver, and optimize personalized experiences at scale. A digital asset management (DAM) platform gives you a central hub for organizing, storing, and retrieving rich media that connects to your other enterprise software solutions, ensuring a consistent experience across the customer journey. Prefer com.day.cq.dam.api over com.adobe.granite.asset.api. To create a render component, perform these tasks: 1. Specify the title of the page in the Title field. For information about this class, see Class SlingAllMethodsServlet. AEM Developer Series Day 00: AEM Developer Series Day 01: Introduction to AEM Day 02: AEM Architecture Day 03: Setting up AEM Development Environment Day 04: Developing First OSGi Bundle Day 05: Working with Sling Servlets in AEM Day 06: Playing with Sling Post Servlet Day 07: Creating your first component in AEM Day 08: Dueling with JavaScript Use API Day 09: Dueling with Java User API … 25 Nov 2020. When Maven builds the bundle, it Pinterest. Projects API in AEM July 14, 2016 . 1. Right-click /apps/slingFile/components then select New, Node. AEM Version: AEM v6 or Managed Services. ... (DAM) system like Adobe ... Watch this webinar on-demand from Bounteous as they reveal a personalized asset navigation system, DAM Views for AEM. 3. If you already have gone through the first blog post you can skip this section. Suren - May 23, 2018. Change the command prompt to the generated project. There are some cool features that come in pretty handy like being able to embed custom-built components with the content being fetched from its Digital Asset Manager (DAM).     data:formData, //Save the uploaded file into the AEM DAM using AssetManager API private String writeToDam(InputStream is, String fileName) { try { //Inject a ResourceResolver ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null); //Use AssetManager to place the file into the AEM DAM com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager assetMgr = resourceResolver.adaptTo(com.day.cq.dam.api.AssetManager.class); … Click on the Contently configuration you want to edit. Get new freebies weekly. You can think of a component as a collection of scripts (for example, JSPs, Java servlets, and so on) that completely realize a specific function. This article uses an Adobe Maven Archetype project to build an OSGi bundle. Our last versions of official documentation for these older versions are available for your self-help needs. This article discusses how to perform these tasks: To learn how to write a custom Sling Servlet that downloads AEM DAM assets, see Downloading Adobe Experience Manager DAM Assets using Sling Servlets and the Query Builder API. The use of the AssetManager is also in this article. API. The core component provides some quick functionality with almost no coding required. The above code can be used to upload any asset to dam at runtime. Companion Tool – Desktop App for AEM DAM Assets May 5, 2016. In the POM file located at C:\AdobeCQ\upload, add the following dependencies. Each of these provide various levels of access to various types of content. The file name of the OSGi component is upload-bundle-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Facebook.     processData: false, The content of the js.txt file is the JQuery JS file name. The name of the text file is js.txt. Developers. Expand the details for your integration to view the API key. How-to Retrieve All Properties Including Metadata Of An Asset From AEM. mvn eclipse:eclipse. Download the package and deploy using package manager. A lot of times I have experienced and seen that Heavy Queries are mostly responsible for the bad page load speeds and performance of the application. For information, see http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/multiple-digital-assets.html. The following XML code represents a settings.xml file that you can use. Recently there was a requirement to fetch all tags assigned to a DAM Assets. Maven manages required JAR files that a Java project needs in its class path. Then the content fragment Java API’s allow for easy to implement components driven by content fragments. The purpose of this code is to show the community these concepts in action. This method creates the complete asset structure in /content/dam.The following structure is created: + file.jpg (dam:Asset) + jcr:content )(dam:AssetContent) + renditions (sling:OrderedFolder) + metadata (nt:unstructured) The given binaryPath is translated into the final asset location (see DamUtil.binaryToAssetPath(String)). This OSGi operation contains application logic to search the AEM repository. Log in as administrator and in the user administration console, search for the campaign-remote user and click Set Password. Recently there was a requirement to fetch all tags assigned to a DAM Assets. AEM Forms: Rest API Integration as a Datasource Samit Narula, Technical Architect, Adobe Partner Experience Overview The Swagger (OpenAPI) specification is quite detailed and defines various directives, constraints, and configurations to be used by an API Gateway that serves the API’s consumers. Login to Apache Felix Web Console at http://server:port/system/console/bundles (default admin user = admin with password= admin). A file is located in the AEM DAM that was uploaded using a Sling Servlet and AssetManager API. Components are re-usable modules that implement specific application logic to render the content of your web site. The uploaded file is located in the formData variable. Twitter. Run the following Maven command: Click on the plus sign and enter the following value: /content(/.*)?. }); IN AEM 6.x, you need to use the out of the box JQuery library to handle the required CSRF token. Customization Integrations OSGi Plugins Project Setup Templates & Components Translations Unit Testing Workflows All Developers. To create an Experience Manager archetype project, perform these steps: 1. Notice that the url specifies the value of the path attribute in the SlingServlet annotation defined in the HandleDamFile method.         alert(msg); //display the data returned by the servlet . Apache Felix Search Web Console Plugin June 26, 2019. This AJAX request is used in the client web page that is created later in this development article. Legal Notices I think I would preffer to use the Asset class to do a lot of this stuff instead of manipulating the different nodes. Or even the AssetHanlder http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/javadoc/com/day/cq/dam/api/handler/AssetHandler.html. $.ajax({ It can be implemented via servlets where a Ajax call can be made. } • When configuring the AEM Instance URL, remove any trailing slash from the server address. AEM level APIs will also be covered including pages, projects, workflows and other AEM objects for automation. 1. A successful digital asset management (DAM) system like Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Assets begins with a well thought out and comprehensive Information Architecture which improves asset velocity and overall speed to market. Since your file is stored as an asset in DAM, you need to …     contentType: false, public  String ToDam(InputStream is, String fileName, javax.jcr.Session session, String damLocation, String fileType,String addOrRemove) {        try {            javax.jcr.Node node = session.getNode(damLocation);            javax.jcr.ValueFactory valueFactory = session.getValueFactory();            javax.jcr.Binary contentValue = valueFactory.createBinary(is);            javax.jcr.Node fileNode = node.addNode(fileName, "nt:file");            fileNode.addMixin("mix:referenceable");            javax.jcr.Node resNode = fileNode.addNode("jcr:content",                    "nt:resource");            if (addOrRemove.equals("add")) {                resNode.setProperty("jcr:mimeType","image/jpeg");                resNode.setProperty("jcr:data", contentValue);            } else {             //TODO            }            Calendar lastModified = Calendar.getInstance();            lastModified.setTimeInMillis(lastModified.getTimeInMillis());            resNode.setProperty("jcr:lastModified", lastModified); // Return the path to the document that was stored in CQ. OSGi Config JSON API and Dashboard May 26, 2019. If you have never worked on such kind of use case then this is a must to learn and implement article for you. Appropriate Oak Index will be picked up by the query. You can view the sample community application by using the following URL: http://localhost:4502/content/UploadAssetManager.html (assuming you deploy on author). To create a template, perform these tasks: 1. Its purpose if two fold: To provide a command line interface to access all DAM functionalities; To provide a comprehensive Python API to perform all operations on assets in AEM This OSGi operation contains application logic to search the AEM repository. However, for creating a datasource within AEM, only a subset of these Swagger directives … Query Builder works in the following way - Queries are converted into XPath by the Query Engine. Go to the Websites page at http://localhost:4502/siteadmin#/content. Add a path to Allowed Paths. AEM included a concept of ‘Project’ along with its Touch UI navigation. Your new bundle should now be listed with the status Active. API; DAM; aesthetics; press; free images. To build the OSGi component by using Maven, perform these steps: Once you deploy the OSGi bundle, you can upload a JPG file to the Sling Servlet (this is shown later in this development article). When prompted for additional information, specify Y. We all have used Query Builder API in some form or another , but a lot of times we miss its complete potential. You can download Maven 3 from the following URL: After you download and extract Maven, create an environment variable named M3_HOME. The following XML represents this POM file. 7. This DAM clears bottlenecks. By. Notice that the url specifies the value of the path attribute in the SlingServlet annotation defined in the HandleDamFile method. To view the welcome page, enter the URL http://[host name]:[port] into a web browser. This article details the steps.     success: function(msg){ This article uses an Adobe Maven Archetype project to build an OSGi bundle. Tips & Tricks; Examples; Home Tips & Tricks Exception while calling a Servlet in AEM. AEM configurations allow you to do many things such as editable templates, contextual site configurations, and content fragment configurations. AEM DAM (Digital Asset Management) is a tool that provides editors with the possibility to manage the lifecycle or assets throughout their websites. OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "amd64", family: "windows". In Adobe Experience Manager(AEM), there is no direct approach to get the size of the specific content node or DAM. I would like to access that file in the helper JS using any methods of JavaScript USE API in Sightly. After you run this command, you can import the project into Eclipse as discussed in the next section. Site authors can perform below activities , once AEM instance is configured with remote DAM in cloud: Search seamlessly in remote DAM … }); Notice that the url in the AJAX request maps to the path property in the SlingServlet annotation. The versions of AEM, CQ and CRX listed on this page are End of Life and no longer officially sold by Adobe. Connected asset or remote dam feature allows sites author to login to connected assets from the Content Finder panel in AEM Page Editor, and allows page/content editors to search, drag & drop, save and publish remote assets by creating a local copy of remote asset. The new page opens in a web browser. AEM applies different renditions to the digital assets: http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/multiple-digital-assets.html. Purpose of a namespace Namespace primarily helps you organize and manage your metadata. Assign the Maven install location to this environment variable. Pls mention proper mimetype:  resNode.setProperty("jcr:mimeType","application/xml"); Add session.save() next to  resNode.setProperty("jcr:lastModified", lastModified); line and to delete fileNode.remove(). For information, see Adobe Public Maven Repository at http://repo.adobe.com/. 4. Google+. Copyright © 2020 Adobe. When you use the AssetManager API to persist a file in the AEM DAM, AEM automatically creates different renditions for the asset, as shown in this illustration. Adobe Experience Manager Assets. AEM content fragments provide powerful and flexible content for use in page level AEM authoring or as an API as we shall see in future blog posts. The OSGi component can be found in the following folder: C:\AdobeCQ\upload\bundle\target. You can use Maven to build an OSGi bundle that contains a Sling Servlet. Its uses Tag Manager API and return data in JSON format. 1. Here is a community article that talks about How To develop a Java client app that can upload multiple files to the AEM DAM. exclusive collection; free offers; backgrounds 3. My objective through this blog will be exploration of commonly used features of DAM to support digital needs across multiple touch-points like websites, eCommerce sites, mobile devices, social networks, campaigns, and print catalogs in AEM 6.1 Prerequisites: AEM 6.1 instance, Linux operating system Use Cases: 1. Downloading Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 DAM Assets using the Query Builder API AEM Community Channel. $.ajax({ On your file system, navigate to the folder where the JQuery JS file is located. API; DAM; aesthetics; press; free images. Till AEM 6.5 sites authors did not have seamless access to a Connected DAM to discover, use and publish assets from AEM. For more information about components, see Components. In contrast, you can create a Java application using the AssetManger API that uploads multiple files to the AEM DAM. You have to configure your settings.xml file to use Adobe’s public repository. exclusive collection; free offers; backgrounds Installation: To use groovy scripting in AEM, we just need to install a groovy console package in AEM. You can download an AEM package that contains code and the OSGi bundle that are used in this article. Share. This feature enables practitioners to leverage assets from remote DAM for authoring web pages in the Page Editor. Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252 //Use AssetManager to place the file into the AEM DAM. Also, I would suggest using the uber-jar for your AEM version instead of using separate dependencies. Projects allows you to have a collection of all the related resources for a project together. allow the JSP script to find the JQuery library file. API.         alert(msg); //display the data returned by the servlet https://aemsimplifiedbynikhil.wordpress.com/2019/10/04/read-write-data-in-json-file-of-dam-in-aem-ma... For anyone reading this thread and wanting to perform this use case, see this AEM community article that talks about how to use the AssetManager API to programmatically upload files to the AEM DAM:Uploading files to Adobe Experience Manager DAM using AssetManager API. Next, the uploaded file is written to the AEM DAM using the AssetManager API. Why "-1" for this question? A digital asset management (DAM) platform gives you a central hub for organizing, storing, and retrieving rich media that connects to your other enterprise software solutions, ensuring a consistent experience across the customer journey. Active 10 months ago. For more information about templates, see Templates. Découvrez la prise en charge des fragments de contenu Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service dans l’API HTTP Assets. Once done, you will see a message like: To view the CQ welcome page, enter the URL: http://[host name]:[port] into a web browser. It also exposes APIs to connect custom webhooks and act upon events and data. The Granite Assets APIs support low-level asset management use-cases (version, relations). If you have never worked on such kind of use case then this is a must to learn and implement article for you. Deploy the OSGi bundle that contains the Sling Servlet by performing these steps: Add the JQuery framework file to a cq:ClientLibraryFolder node. Introduced in AEM 6.1 - there are a lot more HTTP APIs available in 6.2.     success: function(msg){ API. When the user selects a file and submits it, the file is persisted in the Experience Manager DAM. The paths property corresponds to the URL that you specify when using an AJAX request. Open the command prompt and go to the C:\AdobeCQ\upload folder. Add a text file to the clientlibs folder that maps to the JQuery JS file. Introduced in AEM 6.1 - there are a lot more HTTP APIs available in 6.2. Select Next for Advanced Component Settings and Allowed Parents. It provides a comprehensive API to perform all operations on assets and is intended to provide a full command line interface for working with AEM DAM. AEM content fragments provide powerful and flexible content for use in page level AEM authoring or as an API as we shall see in future blog posts. While the com.day.cq Assets API’s provide more complimentary tooling to AEM’s asset management use-cases. For example: C:\AdobeCQ\upload. You can create an Experience Manager archetype project by using the Maven archetype plugin. The file is posted to a custom Sling Servlet that persists an image file in the AEM DAM. Hi I have 2  questions around programatically. Recently there was a requirement to fetch all tags assigned to a DAM Assets. • Use Sling and JCR API • Have general knowledge about building using Apache Maven and be able to set -up their own environment (e.g., Java SDK, and AEM) • Test applications and troubleshoot AEM … To show the community these concepts in action OSGi operation contains application logic to search the AEM integration not! To discover, use and publish Assets from remote DAM for authoring web pages in the HandleDamFile method uber-jar! Manager Assets next generation digital asset management TXT file to the clientlibs node by using the dependencies... To use groovy scripting in AEM rules for SonarQube plugin a web browser to... Would preffer to use the AssetManager API to store the image ’ s public.. Don ’ t have a required integration form data that is added is jquery-1.6.3.min.js. '' / > AEM services/applications by using the AssetManger API that uploads multiple files to successfully build the bundle... 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