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ަ���[�R������~��"�* bp��hG���Sľ�_�`�s��S��;��b�`�f]~� Scenario 1: Coaching A Career Goals Conversation One of the best uses of coaching is to discuss career opportunities with a current or emerging leader. In the following, let’s assume that Tom’s current priority is to improve his time management. The client has enthusiasm in setting goals, but during reviews of progress, the client consistently tells you that he has not achieved any process goals because “something always comes up.” Scenario #1 Michelle • Project manager –3 years on staff • Consistently hard-working, reliable and positive • Strong performer with great attention to detail • But… • Work has been slipping over past few weeks • Missed critical details on three separate projects • Not … It not only provides a great field for practicing rapid fire objection response, but allows team members to hear ideas, engage in peer coaching, and shake off some nerves through a … Use these role play scenarios during coaching training to supplement the training content and give managers the opportunity to put what they’ve learned into action. By the end of this course, you will be able to demonstrate appropriate and effective strategies when engaging in coaching conversations with those that you lead. SCENARIO 1 Valuing the mentee page 16 SCENARIO 2 Getting the right match page 18 SCENARIO 3 The importance of mentor support page 20 SCENARIO 4 Assisting mentee development page 22 SCENARIO 5 The fundamentals of trust page 24 SCENARIO 6 Mentor take-over page 26 SCENARIO 7 The First Meeting page 28 SCENARIO 8 Personality Match? �͏\g��k���}S�)0U��4][♛���W7}�ty������? ... and practice their new skills in small-group role plays. Read through the first scenario and practice conducting the meeting, with one person playing the manager and the other playing the employee. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Someone told me that my resume is not strong enough. %��������� We believe the scenario is not untypical as it has one person with a particular set of strengths, weaknesses, drivers, and values trying to get the best out of somebody who is different to them. Let us show you how. 2) The “Everything is Great!” Teacher Stuck in routine and “how I’ve always done it,” and doesn’t want coaching—doesn’t see the �o�S�'%y���s �G�0=@�R�퍔F�� �= The customer is irritated and demanding a refund. Your manager is known as the Dragon Lady, so you count yourself lucky to have even survived this long in the job. *gVN~ҧ�E1���~F3^C3�-kx�. When the coach arrives at 0900, the department is very busy with three admissions. Search Code: 85081 “Coaching works best when you walk in the other person’s shoes and come to a shared version of what needs to happen.” Scenario #2: Your coachee lacks confidence. Please retain any notes that you make before or during the meeting as these will be collected in after the exercise by the assessor. We’ve decided to share this as we felt it might be useful as a role-play to assess how well you have equipped managers to manage performance. the role plays provide in the participant materials. �24��s��հ��lB"�D��0����L��bw�.���ڱF���|/�� ���ݞ�0���Y��,�!L88����3b)���F����{(\��l�t�4�5��5���W�79Q����M� When younger women in particular see more senior women doing that collaborative style, that kind of role-modeling approach is important, as well as direct mentoring, to help them see that another way is possible.” Have your mentors and mentees role play negotiation meetings for practice. In Atul Gawande’s TED talk on the importance of coaching, he recounts the origin of coaching in sports: “In 1875, Harvard and Yale played one of the very first American-rules football games. Over the next three decades, Harvard won just four times. Role Play Coaching Scenarios. Join over 30,000 members “Most role-play scenarios are about power — doctor and patient, prisoner and guard teacher and student,” says Lords. Role-play exercises follow a fairly standard format: 1) You will be given a briefing document that outlines the scenario and your objectives and will be given 20-30 minutes to prepare. While the late delivery might not be your fault, and the customer’s attitude might trigger defensiveness, so the important thing to do is to apologize and assure them that you’re working on resolving the issue. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. �iI�7��K&,}=�h)�œ ���?g�8d�-A��:�FO�d�:�u���]'o��hWv��>/3�2�����~0�� Role Play #1 Information for the Employee: Assume that your name is Maria and you have been employed as a training co-ordinator for this agency for a little over a year (your job description is attached). 2. Claire, I too agree with the great suggestions of asking the delegates to bring real life scenarios' I run a Coaching 4 Mgrs, 3 day workshop and delegates bring along real-life coaching opportunities, it makes the role-play much more interesting, relevant and fun. worldwide using our research. For example, you can use it to practice sales meetings, interviews, presentations, or emotionally difficult conversations, such as when you're resolving conflict.By acting scenarios like these out, you can explore how other people are likely t… - [Lisa] We're going to role play these scenarios and then break them down to teach you techniques you can use with your team. Coaching Scenario: Achieving Previously Set Goals A client comes to you for goal setting coaching and after four sessions, you notice a pattern emerging. “If you’re into power dynamics, these … 4 0 obj Common role play scenarios include: handling a difficult customer or complaint, disciplining or appraising a member of staff, negotiating a contract or project delivery, and similar situations where conflict is possible. vr,~�@7r+�B�pZ���x-�����L��T_��p�e+l��cO�S4c�@�U
�N�j��V��E�:,���������1-�Z>9��5��р�Ee2� �k�����q! Scenario 1. For example: Customer:To whom it may co… As a team member, assume an interactive role by questioning and sharing information. Read the scenario below and, among your group: As the coach, provide constructive and purposeful feedback to the team member about the issues. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership. Exercise #2 – Objection Island. The charge nurse tells you, “We’re not doing teamwork today, we’re just too busy.”. ��t�x^�ۨQ�.��[9f
�}�^+;Ҋ��g�r\N��X��q/����$���~�N There is no evidence that a huddle has been called to manage the changing workload. ©Elena"Aguilar.The$Art$of$Coaching:$Effective$Strategies$for$School$Transformation.SanFrancisco:Jossey6Bass,"2013. (Usually with one of the assessors – often this will be the line manager for one of the roles that’s being recruited.) Watch as Suzi Wear, VP of Culture and People Development at Xenium HR uses the GROW model for coaching and problem solving with an employee, Brandon Laws. The results? Role Play Coaching Exercise Candidate brief Role Play Coaching Exercise 1. 2) You will then begin the role-play. Coaching is a competitive advantage. Coaching can be done in one conversation or as part of an overall coaching program. You will then have up to 20 minutes for the meeting with Sam. HOUSEWIFE - BACK TO WORK. }����+��ӇO�������٧0w�X5�M5Jkz�zhjE����ݿ �9$d!� xe�W�ʲ3��ٵ �;$����*�,#�
bB���GC�Ӄ��n昔&MÚsMZVZ������! Coaching Role Play Scenarios: Overview 1) The Struggling New Teacher Overwhelmed by everything, dealing with common challenges for new teachers, and struggling to focus and prioritize what to work on. Published: January 16, 2018 Please enable javascript in your browser settings and refresh the page to continue. After 5 minutes – Reverse roles (You can select a different scenario) Coaching Scenarios 1. A perfect way to resolve the situation is to offer a discount on the next order or free shipping to the customer. %PDF-1.3 My children have now grown up … Let us show you how. POWERFUL RESUME. yk�CFw�V/�6��
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g� ��̎�z�vZAih�(5h�Z Use these role play scenarios during manager training on coaching to prepare managers for holding coaching conversations around employee development.The Role Play Coaching Scenarios template covers coaching on: Practice with a variety of role play scenarios will help managers gain confidence in applying the behavior-focused coaching model. To unlock the full content, please fill out our simple form and receive instant access. The Coaching Role Play Scenarios covers coaching on: Practice with a variety of role play scenarios will help managers gain confidence in applying of the behavior-focused coaching model. Performance Management role-play - Manager’s brief - Sarah People describe you as driven; a fair description given that you work incredibly hard. I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. MQ��?��Y'�bw�,ZiHR}�ʯݝe����+Z�d�/�K4�,O2ʛF�"�^hr� Choose a role (Coach or I & R Specialist) 3. Review the scenarios and choose one as a coaching opportunity 4. ve ��p
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