A person who hyperextends his or her knee usually notices the injury immediately; an individual may feel a popping sensation and notice immediate pain and swelling. Doing hyperextended knee exercises will help strengthen the muscles that support your knee, making it easier to bear weight and get you back to moving normally. One injury that is common, especially among active people, is a hyperextended knee. Have client hold onto a bar or a wall for balance and have them soften their knees, bringing the tibia forward over the ankle joint. When this happens, the possibility of some type of knee injury is greatly increased. Overview. For more severe injuries which may include ligament or cartilage tears, recovery time estimates around 6-12 months post-surgery for the knee to resume full activity. Knee hyperextension is a condition in which the knee is straightened beyond the normal limits of the joint. For minor knee hyperextension, RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) for 2-4 weeks will allow the knee enough time to heal. It is bent too far back in the wrong direction. Hyperextending your knees is doing all sort of bad things to your body. Just stop. -Toe raises with soft knees. Please. A hyperextended knee occurs when your knee is pushed past its normal range of motion from a straightened position. You need to take plenty of rest, keep your leg elevated, and apply cold packs for quick recovery. Mild cases can be treated with rest and physical therapy. At the same time, you can try hyperextended knee exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles around your knee joint, helping your knee return to its original level of strength. A hyperextended knee can damage ligaments, cartilage and other stabilizing structures in the knee. Young children have softer bones because they're still growing, so a hyperextended knee can result in a chip of bone being pulled away from the main bone when the ligaments stretch too far. Causes Of Hyperextended Knee. Hyperextended knee can be mild or severe. In severe cases of hyperextended knee, surgery may be necessary to repair the torn ligament or the cartilage. Mild knee hyperextension may feel sore and uncomfortable and can typically heal with rest in 2-4 weeks. The knees are vulnerable to injury from hard contact or a fall, or just everyday wear and tear. Healing period may take three to four weeks. I teach people to walk because of the way I hyperextended my knees. Anterior Pelvic Tilt, Posterior Pelvic Tilt, and Hyperextension of the Hip Joint all can be a cause (or result) of hyperextension of the knee joint. Hyperextended Knee. Correcting the pelvis to a neutral position will make it harder to hyperextend the knees and will improve whole body alignment. In my experience hyperextension at the knees is usually coupled with increased lumbar lordosis, anteriorly tilted pelvis and reduced core stability. A hyperextended knee can cause bruising, pain, and swelling. Born with very loose joints, no one ever told me not to hyper-extend them—especially my knees—even when I started taking yoga classes. A hyperextended knee injury occurs when the ligaments are stretched beyond their normal range of motion, resulting in a strain or even a tear in ligament tissue. Awkward Landing: Landing hard from a jump or being unbalanced as you land, particularly if landing on a straight leg, can lead to a hyperextended knee Sporting Tackle: a tackle at the front of the knee that pushes the joint straight backwards can lead to knee hyperextension Skiing: If the front of the skis hit something e.g.