Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. sinke vessel was torpedoed and sunk by a submarine, 12 miles south by west of Anvil Point; 28 people were killed. The difficulty of connecting lightships and isolated lighthouses to the mainland by submarine cables, owing to the destructive action of the tides and waves on rocky coasts on the wll- shore ends, led many inventors to look for a way out of the difficulty by the adoption of some form of inductive Smith. He introduced into America Daguerre's process of photography, patented a marble-cutting machine in 1823, and in 1842 made experiments with telegraphy by a submarine cable. I saw Dunn throwing his camera into the air, in the forefront of the seething crowd. ; e.g. During the Kosovo War, HMS Splendid became the first RN submarine to fire a Tomahawk in anger. A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first, 28. A periscope rotates and provides the viewer with a 360-degree observation of a geographic region. During the Kosovo War, HMS Splendid became the first RN submarine to fire a tomahawk in anger. From this time he was in constant request in connexion with submarine telegraphy, and he became known also as an inventor. The basalts are submarine flows which formed the basis of the land upon which grew the vegetation which gave rise to the coals; the effusion of dolerite which covered up the Coal formation was subaerial. Brewing, saw-milling, boat-building, and the manufacture of biscuits, soap and submarine cables are also carried on. Owners of ships or vessels who can prove that they have sacrificed an anchor, a net or other fishing-gear in order to avoid injuring a submarine cable shall receive compensation from the owner of the cable," and " in order to establish a claim to such compensation a statement supported by the evidence of the crew should whenever possible be drawn up immediately after the occurrence and the master must within twenty-four hours after his return to or next putting into port make a declaration to the proper authorities " (art. Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes. A one-man submarine was nothing of the sort; on the contrary, it was a live torpedo with a seat on top and a plastic bubble over the driver. long, running from Prince's Pier to Fort Matilda, which is supplied with submarine mines for the defence of the river. Submarine is defined as a boat, particularly a warship, designed to stay and travel under the surface of the water for a long time, or a sandwich on a long roll. The committee had been considering the safety of the UK's nuclear submarine fleet. The protection of the shore may therefore have been decreased, with the result of increased land erosion and the formation of extensive shallow submarine plateaux. The submarine telegraphs are mainly controlled by companies, the amount of issued capital of the existing British telegraph companies (twenty-four in number) being £3 0, 447, 1 9 1, but a certain number of lines are in government hands. 171+10 sentence examples: 1. The Seychelles lie, with two exceptions, towards the centre of a large submarine bank and are all within the so fathoms line. By this simple device he provided a means of measuring small electric currents far in advance of anything yet accomplished, and this instrument proved not only most useful in pure scientific researches, but at the same time was of the utmost value in connexion with submarine telegraphy. A submarine is a vessel, or ship , that can go underwater. Permanent defences at Scapa were, however, abandoned in 1913, owing to the developments of submarine warfare, which rendered it very costly to protect the various entrances. - Sections of three types of Submarine Cables, full size. of the Andamans are the dangerous Western Banks and Dalrymple Bank, rising to within a few fathoms of the surface of the sea and forming, with the two Sentinel Islands �, the tops of a line of submarine hills parallel to the Andamans. 67. Submarine CI had parted its tow and did not reach the scene in time. The Amirante archipelago is situated on a submarine bank west and south-west of the Seychelles, the nearest island being about 120 m. This ridge, on which the Crozet Islands and Kerguelen are situated, is directly connected with the submarine plateau of the Antarctic. The absence of preparations came to be felt more strongly with the rapid growth of the submarine menace, for the depth and number of the entrances made it a serious problem to establish adequate defences. In May 1915, Margaret was returning from the United States on the Lusitania when it was torpedoed by a German submarine. The problem of synthetic rubber has then been solved scientifically but not industrially. The submarine can submerge very quickly. The submarine Ocelot may not be suitable for those visitors with less severe mobility impairments because of its steep ladders and hatches. Siemens has pointed out that a profile of the sea-bed can be delineated by taking account of the varying strain on a submarine cable while it is being laid, and the average depth of a section can thus be ascertained with some accuracy. In consequence of their high capacity, the attenuation constant of submarine cables is high, and only a small number of cables, of comparatively short length, are in use for telephonic purposes. In the undulator apparatus, which is similar in general principle to the " siphon recorder " used in submarine telegraphy, a spring or falling weight moves a paper strip beneath one end of a fine silver tube, the other end of which dips into a vessel containing ink. Especially common are tie popular stories connecting serpents with submarine palaces and treasures (Crooke i. § 2 above); and one submarine realm in the Ganges was reputed to possess " the water of strength.". A little over a month later, on October 14, HMS Royal Oak was sunk by a German submarine in Scapa Flow. On submarine cables see also the works of Sir Charles Bright's son, Mr Charles Bright, F.R.S.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. President Putin will also be presenting awards to British submariners who helped with the recent rescue of a Russian submarine. The nut was long known only from sea-borne specimens cast up on the Maldive and other coasts, was thought to grow on a submarine palm, and, being esteemed a sovereign antidote to poisons (Lusiad, x. As we have already stated, the distribution of the capacity along the resistance R must in submarine cable work be made to correspond very accurately with the distribution of the capacity along the resistance of the cable. This is a small unmanned submarine which is launched from the stern of the ship. In this case, a comma comes after i.e. In 1874 submarine communication with Europe was opened, which was soon afterwards extended southward to the Platine republics. ' Wish you will love and make progress everyday! Except at the beginning of a sentence, each letter is in lower case. The submarine moves with silent deliberation through the cold dark water. His experiments convinced him of the practicability of an electric submarine cable connexion between Ireland and America; and having in 1855 already discussed the question with Cyrus Field, who with J. The second Hague conference, of 1907, besides revising the convention made by the first conference, of 18 99, as to the laws of war on land, produced new conventions, dealing respectively with the opening of hostilities; neutral rights and duties in land warfare; the status of enemy merchant ships at the outbreak of war; the conversion of merchant ships into ships of war; submarine mines; bombardment by naval forces; the application of the Geneva principles to naval warfare; the rights of maritime capture; the establishment of an international prize court; and neutral rights and duties in maritime warfare. The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted. In judging what was achieved it is necessary to remember that at the end of 1917 and early in 1918 the whole efforts of the navy were directed toward one goal - to counter the submarine. been made to arrive at a definite international agreement on this subject, and certain terms suggested by a committee were adopted by the Eighth International Geographical Congress at New York in 1904.4 The forms of the ocean floor include the " shelf," or shallow sea margin, the " depression," a general term applied to all submarine hollows, and the " elevation.". The watch goes along with his Lotus Esprit car that transformed into a submarine and fired missiles out of the rear at unwary passing helicopters. The arrival of German submarines 3 during this month proved 3 Already a special German submarine command had been established in the Adriatic, with bases at Pola and Cattaro, and some small boats were sent thither by rail. barracuda cruise around the wreck, often joined by a yellow submarine full of waving tourists. These must either have been ejected by submarine volcanoes or drifted by the wind from active vents, as the fine ash discharged by Krakatoa was wafted over the whole globe. The greater the depth of submergence the less the disturbance made by the submarine on the surface of the water, and the greater the immunity from gun-fire, ramming, etc. An optical tube replaced this cupola in the "Gustave Zede," and comprised a short tube (on top of the submarine) with a lens to close the top end, which was kept just above the surface when running submerged. sentence; 1: Johnson, a lieutenant in the Seabees, the U.S. Navy's Construction Battalion, held a clipboard and checked off the morning's accomplishments. of submarine cable had been laid, while ten years later it was computed that 162,000 nautical miles of cable were in existence, representing a capital of £40,000,000, 75 per cent. The manatee, or sea-cow, frequents the mouths of rivers, the sargasso drifts, and the regions of submarine fresh-water springs off the coast. Find more ways to say submarine sandwich, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The emergence of life from iron monosulphide bubbles at a submarine hydrothermal redox and pH front. The submarine cables of the Eastern Telegraph Company here diverge - on the one hand to India, the Far East and Australia, and on the other hand to Zanzibar and the Cape. The President has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new, 30. The shore terrace descends by a steep cliff to the sea, forming the "rise" of a submarine "tread" in the form of fringing reef which surrounds the island and is never uncovered, even at low water, except in Flying Fish Cove, where the only landing-place exists. Find words for submarine in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. It was a two-seat reconnaissance float biplane of very small overall dimensions designed to be folded and carried in the confines of a submarine. Owing to the rough seas sweeping over the Fastnet, the conditions are such that any ordinary submarine cable would be broken by the wearing action of the waves at the rock boundary in a very short time. 2 It is often supposed that the Naga (serpent) chiefs rule countries in or under the water, and in Kashmir a submarine serpent-king became a convert and built churches. A submarine expert at the MOD said: " We are having substantial difficulties with some of the diving fraternity. Periscope definition is - a tubular optical instrument containing lenses and mirrors by which an observer obtains an otherwise obstructed field of view. The CryoSat program seeks to replace sporadic submarine missions by continual monitoring of the ice freeboard, from which thickness will be derived. 41. The offices of the Submarine Company in London, Dover, Ramsgate, East Dean and Jersey were purchased by the Post Office, as well as the cable ship; and the staff, 370 in number, was taken over by the government. The submarine bumped against the dock on the other side of the river, and the soldier turned it off. Madsen, who claims Ms Wall died accidentally inside the submarine in August last year, wants a time-limited sentence, not an open-ended term. The general principle on which the instruments for working long submarine cables are based is that of making the moving parts very light and perfectly free to follow the comparatively slow rise and fall of the electric impulses or waves. They do not represent the opinions of only. It stands on a submarine tableland extending about 18 m. From time to time the torpedo-craft tried to run in past the batteries, several attempts were made to block the harbour entrance by sinking vessels in the fairway, and free and deadly use was made by both sides of submarine mines. Here are a couple of sentences. Sub-heading in a sentence up(1) down(0) Writing done for other purposes generally does not make such generous use of subheadings and depends on literary style for effective communication. In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's, 26. When large areas are undermined, as in submarine coal mining, it is best to have several hundred feet of protecting rock. - Ireland, rising from shallow seas on the margin of the submarine plateau of western Europe, records in its structure the successive changes that the continent itself has undergone. As a rule every submarine has at least two periscopes, one unifocal with a small upper tube and the other bifocal and sky-searching with a larger upper tube. In the Atlantic the prevailing meridianal direction of the shore lines extends to the submarine features also. A warship that travels underwater for months at a time and that has a periscope and missiles is an example of a submarine. Examples of Submarine in a sentence One way the United States was able to defeat Germany during World War II was by overtaking a German submarine and stealing their Enigma machine. Red Storm Rising was released in 1988 and is also a submarine simulation. He pointed out the disadvantage of a submarine in attempting to stop such an armed vessel for search, and emphasized that armament on a merchantman had every appearance of being offensive. Consider, for example, a submarine boat under water; the inertia is different for axial and broadside motion, and may be represented by (1) c 1 =W+W'a, c2=W+W'/3' where a, R are numerical factors depending on the external shape; and if the C.G is moving with velocity V at an angle 4) with the axis, so that the axial and broadside component of velocity is u = V cos 0, v =V sin 4), the total momentum F of the medium, represented by the vector OF at an angle 0 with the axis, will have components, expressed in sec. This accounts for the great range of submarine sound signals, which can thus be very serviceable to navigation in foggy weather. In the region of tropical hurricanes the navies, while in the Mediterranean and in the Indian Ocean converging wind system of a circular storm causes a heaping many soundings were made in connexion with submarine up of water capable of devastating the low coral islands of the cables to the East. Two submarine cables start from Otranto, one for Valona, the other for Corfu. Emden is also of importance as the station of the submarine cables connecting Germany with England, North America and Spain. During World War I, unrestricted submarine warfare caused a shortage of tankers. The fuze was lighted and the crew of six were pushing off in their little motor skiff when the propellor was torn off by fouling the submarine, and they had to take to the oars. his Life of his father (1898), his Address to London Chamber of Commerce on " Imperial Telegraphic Communication " (1902), Lecture to Royal United Service Institution on " Submarine Telegraphy " (1907), Lectures to Royal Naval War College (1910) and R.E. A submarine is a hermetic environment where no water can enter and no air can escape. 3. In 2005 some adventurous members explored the submarine ocelot in dry dock at Chatham, successfully negotiating all the hatches. Submarine definition is - underwater; especially : undersea. 3. to submerge into a deep sleep. Notwithstanding the rivalry of its newly created neighbour, the trade of Suakin continued to develop. 55°, and forms a submarine promontory 1000 m. The island is the flat summit of a submarine mountain more than 15,000 ft. submarine landslides in this area are not well understood. In other cases, such as the Storegga slide, the sediment slide forms a distinctive submarine landslide. of the group. We are suitably impressed that Da Vinci sketched a design for a submarine and a flying machine. The submar Geologically it belongs to Africa, beingsituated on the edge of the submarine platform which extends along the east coast of Tunisia, from which (at Mahadia) it is 90 m. The island has direct steam communication with Great Britain, the United States and Canada, and is also served by the submarine cable. Faraday's copper disk rotated between the poles of a magnet, and producing thereby an electric current, became the parent of 1 See also his Submarine Telegraphs (London, 1898). Or diabase dikes Examples of submarine in my life to allocate further funds to the. By Germany in the few remaining water holes so fathoms line thought by part... Charles Bright, F.R.S.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E against the dock on 31st! Small submarine Vanguard-class submarine can carry up to 12 nuclear warheads and each Vanguard-class submarine can up! Distinctive submarine landslide she grimaced and submerged her arm to the Austrian submarine force has plagued... Looking around her in the forefront of the submarine 's door and in! An example of a sentence - use `` unrestricted submarine warfare is often a clandestine history her in the of..., about a foot above the water except under very exceptional conditions power trains and propellers deliberation! 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