Alumni of Peterhouse, Cambridge This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Marcus’ connections and jobs at similar companies. Tremendous thanks must go to Mr Oliver Beaumont (Paget House 1966) who did a fantastic job in creating and maintaining the ‘old’ Petrean Website. Alumni of some of the schools, including some aggrieved staffers, have in recent weeks been volunteering information on some of the contentious practices. Thanks must also go to Mr Eric Gondwe (Ellis House 1992) for his Key Supplemental site that he ran up until the opening of our ‘official’ school websites. About us. Boswall Andrea, Boswall Oliver, Brits Nardus, Carey Caitlin, Chiwawa Micheal, de Chassart Natalie, Denton Jack, Dreyer John, Ewart Shannarea, Faber Murray, Fisiri Tiwirai, Hanly Philip, Hanly Richard, Hawgwood Jack, Heathcote Storme, Impey Michelle, Ker Sam, Kwesha Georgie, Mandivenga Brendon, Mudzinganyama Munashe, Mungwari Scholastic, Mupfeka Laurriette, Raulinbach Blake, Saul Taryn, Utsiwegota Panashe, wutawanashe Asaph, Zinyengere Kudzai, Adamson Duncan, Adamson Michael, Bibby Shannon, Borges Aldair, Brown Ethan, Broxham Cole, Broxham Reace, Cragg Joshua, Gunn Mark, Joughin Christopher, Kropp Johan, Moodie James, Moodie Mathew, Moolman Daniel, Root Christopher, Weeks Garry. Springvale House, founded in 1985, caters for 200 boys and girls, a mix of weekly-boarders and day-scholars from Grade 1 to Grade 7. Cannot get Mashonaland East location id in module mod_sp_weather. Peterhouse is widely regarded as Zimbabwe’s top independent boarding school and one of the premier independent schools in Southern Africa. Phone: +263 (0)65-2322200/4 Academic Staff. [2] The school is one of the schools under the Peterhouse Group of Schools, the other schools being … The school is located on the Springvale Estate of approximately 1,200 acres (490 ha) alongside Springvale House and Gosho Park. Fax. Alumni of some of the schools, including some aggrieved staffers, have in recent weeks been volunteering information on some of the contentious practices. 10K likes. The Friends of Peterhouse is a charity formed "to advance the educational and charitable work of the College". WEEKLY CALENDAR________________________________________Week 1/A Duty Houses: PHB Paget ________________________________________Sun 10 Jan10 00 PHB & PHG D Block arrive & Orientation starts12 00 PHB & PHG D Block Welcome by Rector/PHG HeadMon 11 Jan09 00 Staff Training10 00 A and AS Level Results published 12 00 Group Staff Meeting (FH)12 45 Group Chapel Service (PHB Chapel) 13 15 Group Lunch CR/Support Staff & Spouses (Great Court PHB)Tue 12 Jan AM Meetings08 00 PHB & PHG D Block Setting tests09 00 PHB & PHG C & B Block return (PHB) to 11.0011 00 PHB & PHG A Block return (PHB) to 13.0013 00 PHB & PHG Vth & VIth Form Return (PHB) to 15.00 18 30 Roll Call in HousesWed 13 Jan08 30 Normal Lessons start Period 2 Week A20 00 PHB Prefects’ Committee Meeting Thur 14 Jan11 00 Group Marketing Meeting (SHGBR)Fri 15 Jan Closed Weekend13 30 PHB Tennis v PE 1st; U16 (a) U14; U15 (h)14 00 PHB & PHG Invitational Cross Country (PHG)14 00 PHB Cricket 1st T20 v PE (tbc) (h)14 00 PHB Volleyball v St George’s (h)14 00 PHB Waterpolo Jnr Bruce Kennedy/Hart Trophy (Helle/Fal)14 00 PHB Basketball v Hillcrest (a)Sat 16 Jan08 00 PHB & PHG Volleyball Coaching Clinic (PHB)08 00 PHB Waterpolo Jnr Bruce Kennedy/Hart Trophy (Helle/Fal)08 00 PHB Basketball v St George’s (a) 09 00 PHB Cricket v PE 1st; As (h) 2nd; Bs (a) 3rd tbc19 00 PHB Junior Play Auditions D – B (FH)________________________________________Week 2/B Duty Houses: PHB Snell ________________________________________Sun 17 Jan 08 00 PHB Full School Chapel 09 00 PHB & PHG Volleyball Coaching Clinic (PHB)09 00 PHB Ring Road Relay 10 00 PHB & PHG D Block Social (PHG)Tue 19 Jan10 00 IGCSE Results published 14 00 PHB & PHG Debate Training (PHB)14 30 PHB Chess v Gateway (a)Wed 20 Jan14 00 PHB Cricket T20 v Watershed 2nd; U16B (h)14 00 PHB Basketball v Watershed (h)14 30 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v Gateway (PHG)Thur 21 Jan07 30 PHB Individual School Photos incl PHG Vth & VIth FormFri 22 Jan Closed Weekend05 00 PHB & PHG Waterpolo Snr select to CBC Mermaids Trophy to Sun 07 00 PHB Basketball U17A & 1st Depart for Falcon07 30 PHB D Block Basecamp in Calderwood Park till 24th 13 00 LHG to Gosho till Sunday 13 30 PHB Tennis v St George’s 1st; U16 (h) U15 (a)13 30 PHB & PHG Cross Country (Watershed)14 00 PHB Cricket v St George’s 1st T20 (a) (tbc)14 00 PHB Volleyball v BMC (h)Sat 23 Jan08 00 PHB Basketball v Falcon U17A; 1st (a)09 00 PHB Cricket v St George’s 1st; As (a) 2nd; Bs (h) 3rd tbc14 00 PHB Swimming v St John’s Individual (St John’s)________________________________________Week 3/A Duty Houses: PHB Ellis ________________________________________Sun 24 Jan 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing HRC Regatta (Mazowe)08 00 PHB & PHG Triathlon AG STD/Sprint (Mt Pleasant) 08 30 PHB & PHG NASP Archery Tournament (Arundel)09 00 PHB Cricket v CBC 1st; As (h)09 30 PHB Leo Club Team Building (Peebles Pavilion)18 00 PHB Full School Chapel 19 00 PHB & PHG Play Rehearsals Mon 25 Jan13 00 PHB B Block Geography Field Trip 15 30 PHB Interhouse Cross Country Tue 26 Jan13 00 PHB Colours Committee Meeting 13.30 COSCO Meeting (PHB Bar)14 00 PHB Chess v Hellenic (h)14 00 PHB Cricket U14 v SVH 1st (PHB)15 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v Arundel (PHB)Wed 27 Jan13 30 PHB Tennis v Watershed 1st; U16 (a) U14; U15 (h)14 00 PHB Basketball v Lomagundi (Harare)14 30 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v St George’s+MGHS (St George’s)14 30 PHB Volleyball v St John’s EH (a) Thur 28 Jan11 00 BESTCO (SHGBR)18 00 Clothing Committee Meeting (SHGBR)Fri 29 JanPHG Squash Mashonaland championships (Hre) to Sun09 40 Lessons End – 1st FFW starts after Roll Call09 45 PHB & PHG VIth Form Parent/Teacher Meeting (MC)Sat 30 Jan FFW08 00 PEC ACES Talent Spotting HIPEC Arena (Harare)08 30 PHB & PHG World Scholars Cup09 00 PHB & PHG Sixth Seeded Gala (Les Brown)Sun 31 Jan FFW08 30 PHB & PHG World Scholars Cup________________________________________Week 4/B Duty Houses: PHB Founders ________________________________________Mon 1 Feb10 00 Roll Call in Houses – 1st FFW EndsTue 2 Feb Presentation of Christ14 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v Hellenic (a)14 00 PHB Cricket U14 v SVH 1st (PHB)Wed 3 Feb13 30 PHB Mash East Tennis Trials U19 (h) U15 (Watershed)14 00 PHB Cricket T20 v Watershed 2nd; U16B (a)14 00 PHB Basketball v Westridge (a)14 30 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v Heritage (Heritage)20 00 PHB Interhouse Debate: Ellis v Founders (FH)Thur 4 Feb 09 00 Zonal Athletics (tbc)20 00 PHB Interhouse Debate: Grinham v Malvern (FH)Fri 5 Feb Closed Weekend13 00 LHG to Imire till Monday 13 30 PHB Tennis v St George’s 1st; U16 (a) U14; U15 (h)13 30 PHB & PHG Cross Country (Arundel)13 30 PHB & PHG Waterpolo Jnr Friendlies (Hellenic/Chisipite) 13 30 PHB Waterpolo 1st ZWART (St John’s)14 00 PH Cricket v St John’s T20 (h) (tbc)19 00 PHB Interhouse Debate: Paget v Snell (FH)Sat 6 Feb08 00 PHB History Society Trip 08 00 PHB Waterpolo 1st ZWART (St John’s)09 00 PHB Cricket v St John’s 1st; As (h) 2nd; Bs (a) 3rd tbc09 00 PHB Volleyball v St John’s EH, St George’s, St John’s, BMC09 00 PHB & PHG Peterhouse MUN Conference (PHB)09 00 PHB Basketball U15 Tournament (h)10 00 PHB & PHG DoE Practice Journey Kushinga/Gosho to Sun 14 00 PHB & PHG NASP Skype Archery Tournament (tbc)14 00 PHB Swimming Eaglesvale Relays (Eaglesvale) ?________________________________________Week 5/A Duty Houses: PHB Grinham ________________________________________Sun 7 Feb 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing ABC Regatta (Mazowe)08 00 PHB Full School Chapel (Choral Eucharist)08 00 PHB & PHG Triathlon AG STD/Sprint (Mt Pleasant)19 00 PHB & PHG Play Rehearsals Tue 9 Feb13 30 PHB Tennis v Hellenic 1st; U16 (h) U14; U15 (a)14 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v St John’s (PHG)14 00 PHB Chess v PHG (a)Wed 10 Feb13 30 PHB Mash East Tennis U19 (h) U15 (Watershed) tba14 00 PHB Basketball v Gateway (a) 14 30 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v Westridge (Westridge) Thur 11 FebMission Week 18 00 PHB Housemasters’ Meeting (Lodge)Fri 12 Feb Closed Weekend04 00 PHB Tennis 1st & Cricket departs for Falcon05 00 LHG VI Form to Mururu till 19th 07 30 PHB & PHG Cross Country (Lomagundi)13 30 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon)14 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st - 2 day game (a)14 00 PHB Volleyball v St John’s (h)14 00 PHB Basketball v PE (h)Sat 13 Feb08 00 PHB Tennis 1st Team Falcon Tournament (Falcon)08 00 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15 Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon)08 00 PHB Basketball Top 8 Feb Fever (St John’s)09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; 3rd; Bs (h)14 00 PHB Swimming Individual (PHB)?________________________________________Week 6/B Duty Houses: PHB Malvern ________________________________________Sun 14 Feb 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing RAZ National Champs08 30 PHB & PHG NASP Archery Tournament (St John’s Prep)09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; Bs (h)18 00 PHB Full School Chapel 19 00 PHB & PHG Play Rehearsals Mon 15 Feb08 00 PHB Vth Form Geography Field Trip20 00 PHB & PHG A Block, Vth & VIth Form Musical Auditions Tue 16 Feb Shrove TuesdayMission Week Ends 08 00 PHB A Block Geography Field Trip15 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v Watershed (a)15 30 PHB Chess v Westridge (a)19 30 Mission Week Final Concert (Venue - tba)Wed 17 Feb Ash Wednesday 09 00 District Interzonal Athletics (tbc)14 00 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v PE (Hre Girls High)14 00 PHB Basketball v Wise Owl (h)14 00 PHB & PHG Swimming Inter. Notable alumni Peterhouse is the oldest of the Cambridge colleges, founded by Hugo de Balsham, Bishop of Ely in 1284 and granted its charter by King Edward I. This ethos also extends to the way we look after our staff. Springvale School started (1952 - 1979) by Rev Canon Robert Grinham & Maurice Carver, S Shepherd, M Baynes, M Averoff, G Key, J Ley, I Whitecourt, J Savage, Cleveland-Stevens, M Patton, R Rundle, J Dakin, S Vlismas, G Robin, G Calmeyer, W Heggate, J Honey, D Hutchinson, R Latham, R Gillson, S Wedgewood, S Honey, G Byrom, M Harrison, D Newton, G Scott, J Barlow, D Zacks, J Omerod, B Satterthwaite, H Ferrar, C Holloway, B Clarkson, P Young, M Goode, T Hawkins, C Mercer, R Thomas, C Wiles, T Fischer, C Brook, A Coote, P Steiniger, A Rainer, I Keith, S Newton, P Groenewald, D de Satge, A Feldman, R Crees, A Macintyre, D Omerod, D Poole, N Finneron, M Wimshurst, I Powell, L Nicholle, R Zacks, J Timmis, D Hunter, C Phillips, S Bateman, C Holloway, B Nicholle, J Poole, R Cross, R Arkell, J Brunton, J Fynn, R Fynn, D Keith, C Lonsdale, P Mason, P Nursten, M Patton, C Pybus, W Slack, N Twidale, R Warren, P Slack, G Ormerod, M Baines, C Marshall, J Holman, J Mallet, R Carmichael, R Jenks, C Aikenhead, M Christie, D Bromfield, A Mason, M Samuels, P Shepherd, A Southorn, I Macdonald, G Lawrence, J Arkell, C Batchelor, J Postles, R Meredith, C Marshall, P Finch, G Ormerod, A Scott, M Baird, J Mayrick-Jones, P Martens, K Alexander, C Jackson, N Martin, G Germanis, M Dawe, T Jones, J Evan, I Macdonald, JS Campbell, CI Campbell, A Berrington, C Bott, J Coney, J Dalmer, R Davy, H Few, J Halford, C Hanford, M Hawkings, W Heygate, K Marshall, B Meredith, D Paine, P Pascall, I Phillips, A Gillet, H Gillet, WR Smith, J Stuart, P Tupman, J Arkell, A Johnson, J Evans, C Finch, J Newton-Stuart, A Duke, N Erskine, A Maclaurin, GE Fortescue, C Gough, R Stuart, R Dawson, D Crawley, FN Bruce-Miller, K Calder-Potts, B Christie, P Carey, B Cordy, R Evans, S Field, G Gilmour, C Hamlin, A Harrison, N Hawker, P Hedley, CN Hewlett, I Kind, AD Martin, D Mason, M Nielsen, R Nursten, N Paterson, H Stephens, P Stern, J Stevens, D Upfill-Brown, R Walmisley, R Walsh, B Williams, PJ Williams, J Gage, R Crees, P Roberts, A Barson, R Dewar, J Dickie, I Menzies, G Muirson, A Samuels, S Reynolds, R Evans, D Gibb, J Cooper, J Dalton, R Dawson, C Dryden, R Pascall, J Smith, J Mosdell, J Fairburn, C Proudfoot, S Tennett, N Wollacott, R Wall, M Fisher, H Lamond, A Bailey, P Crees, M Patton, B Crawley, I Van Someren, G Tudhope, J Eager, W Keene, R Staunton, J Hudson, C Small, H Ellis, P Smithyman, S Tennett, P Tennett, O Payne, D Ward, G Acheson, A Bailey, C Bell, I Bruce-Miller, D Burger, H Chevalier, G Cole, P Cooper, J Dare, P Dare, R Darlington, A Davis, N Davis, H Edwards, G Gray, T Green, J Grey, J Howson, J Jenkinson, R Kinkead-Weekes, N Mallett, AM Pascall, M Peterson, AJ Samuels, A Smith, R Smuthyman, D Wakefield, G Williams, J Willoughby, P Wilson, SP Winter, D Wyllie, S Yates, S Pearce, P Honey, S Davis, M Green, C Paterson, P Williams, A Dindwiddie, N Backhouse, C Baird, P Dindwiddie, S Edridge, S Fitch, M Shutte, R Slater, S Atkinson, L Blundell, D Carter, P Crouch, S Davies, I Dawson, G Dolleymore, J Drake, J Duncombe, J Ford, A Graham, S Green, S Harrison, N Horrell, M Kenny, D King, M King, D Kunhardt, P Lavers, A Maclaurin, K Naran, A Nisbet, N Pereira, P Perrins, A Pooley, H Pooley, N Reynolds, R Reynolds, S Sherwood, D Sole, J Sweatman, A Thorneycroft, F Tounsend, A Walker, D Walmisley, B Way, M Wrottesley, R Duncombe, S Graham, C Graham, C Small, R Herkes, G Chadd, P Calder-Potts, P Hallows, G Sanders, J Broadley, J Bromley, R Campbell, D Cornwell, P Dawes, P Drybrough, E Dryden, E Dudley, M Van Beuningen, F Willoughby, S Tennett, J Eastwood, M Emslie, S Gardner, C Graham, J Grant, A Hallows, P King, C Lewis, M May, T Millwarde, R Naylor, B Waldron, C Yates, R Wall, D Fingland, C Nienabar, C Paterson, J Pearce, GK Pelletier, C Ring, P Roberts, G Sedgwick, C Small, I Templeton, B Thompson, J Trivedy, AF Wells, I Dryden, M Pascall, A Shutte, B Tennett, A Campbell, N Gelderblom, E Milford, G Cooper, G Abbey, DJ Aird, N Bhagat, R Broadley, S Carr, JP Crouch, R Cunliff, J Curtis, R de Satge, D Edwards, P Emslie, AW Ford, M Green, J Hampton, W Hampton, A Hope, D Kenny, R Lewis, M Parry, D Patel, P Philpot, A Smith, P Tennett, J Smith-Wright, J Travers, N Wedgwood, P Weeks, M Wiggill, N Wrench, G Cornwell, T Newbigging, N Sidar, I Proos, A Hawkins, D Holmes, C Holmes, D Yates, A Close, J Mitchell, T Wall, D Armstrong, C Grimston, D Kind, H Naran, R Taylor, A Cockburn, S Hammond, N Harischandra, P Cheales, B Jackman, A Dewar, MG Baillie-Cooper, A Broadley, M Adams, J Campbell, J Ross, V Wieland, C Bowers, D Hatendi, B Maclaurin, P Naran, C Thorneycroft, H Thomas, H Nagar, G Douse, D Dryden, J Hanmer, D Hedley, C Jankowski, S Jonker, C Miller, J Runnalls, M Addenbrooke, R Carpenter, R Hudson, P Maddox, J Sole, W Walmisley, M Lloyd, G Glanville, M Stuart, C Schwartz, N Arkell, A Abbey, T Shepherd, A Mizzen, S Newett, R Ayton, G Hawkins, P Smith-Wright, R Baxter, D Chalk, R Eyre, D Jobson, G Maspero, F Millar, N Emslie, R Ellis, S Macfadyeah, H Postlethwayt, M Hayworth, M Wolfson, C Chanetsa, G Cooper, H Boyt, M Chandler, P Weston-Burt, S.Dudhia, J Mctaggart, N Mctaggart, W Mackenzie, E Nohreiter, D Rowley, S Thomas, S Miller, K Dryden, J Earl-Spurr, D Hartley, G Glanville, K Harvey, P Thorneycroft, S Robinson, J Noakes, I Hope, P Jenkinson, P Kemp, T Kemp, W Kennedy, M Kunhardt, T Lotz, S Malaba, R Robinson, H Van Beuningen, J Van Blerk, L Wasserman, H Davies, D Van Dongen, D Addenbrooke, M Bradshaw, N Brooke, I Gibson, H Glasspool, A Kidia, K Kidia, J Maberly, A McWilliams, B Mowtell, H Nagar, A Siddle, M Button, M Jutronik, S Allenby, J de Beutz, M Wijers, R Bentz, M Smith, R Warnock, E Kasambira, A Bardolia, P Baxter, A Beckett, J Bird, B Burrell, J Chalk, S Coote, D Coppock, R Danckwerts, J Desai, J Douse, C Drewe, M Duncan, M Eales, J Grey, M Henwick, G Hodder, C Hulley, C Ireland-Jones, M Kingston, D Lanz, J Logan, D Mehta, K Moors, C Morton, I Murphy, R Murphy, Q Mclennan, K McWilliams, I Pace, M Scholvinck, T Small, B Stone, P Verbeek, G Wasserman, P Westrop, R Wolfson, T Grant, I Lanz, V Dushmanitch, D Roos, T Carruthers, R Carruthers, P Barnell, L Van Rensburg, N Van Rensburg, M Barry, D Borland, J Sickelmore, G Cannon, R Cannon, K Capstick-Dale, R Carter, K Christian, J Clayton, S Cooper, M Coote, S Crichton, N Davidson, S Davies, I Sloan, C Duncombe, J Ellman-Brown, J Fisher, T Fisher, E Gatzouris, P Harper, G Harrison, S Harrison, D Hobson, D Hoets, D Jupp, R Sloan, E Lindsell, R Line, C Lockhart, A Mckell, I Mackinnon, J Nash, D Neill, V Patel, B Rademeyer, D Roberts, J Russell, J Campbell, J Page, C Miskin, D Moore, B Conway, R Jones, J Ireland-Jones, D Ratanje, C Siddle, M Taylor, C Danckwerts, S Maberly, A Gray, S Lang, R Sainsbury, D Foot, J Vicars, P Barnell, J Burgess, P Christian, C Dillon, D James, G Ritchie, N Sirdar, S Beckett, B Longhurst, J Nash, J Harrison, M Lloyd, M Teichman, J Mills, D Morton, J Pace, P Eames, C Ford, T Graham, J Lewis, C Shiel, N Sloan, N Bewes, R Peterson, D Pritchard, M Harrison, T Ramushu, G Tennant, J Norie, C Bird, D Williams, S Williams, I Abrahamsen, P Abrahamsen, A Cole, A Davidson, I Evans, S Evans, C Hammond, N Hammond, M Norie, B Smit, A Thompson, S Alcock, S Allen, R Bouffe, B Bradford, J Bradshaw, B Dillon, M Duncan, J Getty, I Haywood, F Scholvinck, C Slow, A Titley, C Trevis, P Hilditch, C Hoets, G Jones, B Jones, A Kenny, R Kirkpatrick, P Kleinschmidt, P Lindsell, A Lukan, C Lukan, M Lukan, M McCann, I Macdonald, B Malaba, K Mansell, A Matthews, P Metcalfe, D Minto, M Mpambawashe, P M'tizira-Nondo, C Pace, B Peterson, T Dew, B Saunders, H Trevis, I Wallace, N White, P Zamudio, M Tullett, J Tullett, A Mloszewski, J Clayson, P Webb, N Koursaris, P McLaughlin, W Postema, A Austin, M Baines, C Bewes, R Broad, M Capp, J Chinamano, H Christen, I Clark, M Clark, R Cossey, T Dudley, J Dudley, P Greenwood, T Gwanzura, R Jobson, G Maps, A Morton, M Patel, S Paterson, C Ross, I Rutledge, M Sandys-Thomas, P Selley, R Shiel, C Van Rooyen, C Violet, M Wiseman, M Woodward, D Young, R Bhagat, Y Bhagat, J Bailey, D Ferreira, S Ferreira, J Lewis, S Mclean, M Scott, K Alcock, P Allen, T Amatt, J Bagshaw, S Puffett, K Stander, N Valentine, K Webster, R Wolton, J Ballam, W Ballam, D Carpenter, J Cunnington, J Dilmitis, K Ford, A Gibson, G Gnudi, C Hart, D Humphriss, K Hunt, N Ireland-Jones, A Ribeiro, G Thomas, R Voigt, A Weldrick, M Zappia, B James, G Konings, M Konings, I McCutcheon, A Martin, C Matthews, G Molyneaux, E Newton, H Patel, P Patel, R Patel, S Philp, G Scott, M Thomas, D Watkins, M Weldrick, R Zappia, I Maclagan, M Scarborough, V Horden, D Morton, W Bartlett, N Bezant, K Borrett, N Clifton, G Duly, P Duly, A Anthony, A Ashdown, I Austin, B Balneaves, A Blair, D Botha, D Bousfield, R Bradshaw, G Chalk, R Chowdhray, S Cocco, C Doyle, I Doyle, P Fraser, D Garner, G Gibling, C Gogle, V Gogle, D Greenhalgh, N Guy, Y Patel, C Schodt, W Emslie, I Firth, J Freeman, R Harper, B Miles, T Guy, D Higgins, K Higgs, C James, A Jamison, S Jeffries, C Kaidatzis, D Lazenby, G Maclagan, T Martin, R Way, G Metcalfe, S Metcalfe, P Mitchell, AJ Moir, AC Moir, T Norris, R Padgett, O Phillips, P Phocas, M Playsted, N Rademan, R Ramabhai, D White, N Ramsey, T Read, P Reynolds, M Ribeiro, C Rumens, G Sanders, P Sandys-Thomas, W Skeet, J Taylor, D Taylor, A Van der Westhuizen, S Van der Westhuizen, A Wynne, M Bryans, R Naylor, A Zaloumis, C Arden, A Kazas, N Whitehouse, G Carlisle, G Lea, C Wright, C Ibbotson, S Quinn, B Arden, A Berens, G Browning, R Dakin, A de Villiers, W Ford, D Herbert, B Jackson, W Maberly, K Mpambawashe, S Pedersen, M Pocock, K Shiel, A Bailey, K Bhagat, C Cannon, G Davidson, G Eastwood, M Gillespie, S Herring, T Jackson, A Mather, R Partridge, G Phillips, N Rademan, D Bailey, C Blackstock, M Carter, N Demadema, M Ferrao, P Hart, L Huddle, A Lush, J Moore, K Pedersen, A Pocock, B Raubenheimer, N Shiel, T Trinkies, G Yates, J Tyrrell, A Van der Merwe, J Jones, D Cromar, A Hayes, E Hayes, I Hayes, N Mather, D Darey, R Whitelock, R Agnew, J Bodington, A Christie, D Clayson, M Dilmitis, E Fabel, G Ferdinando, J Ford, K Howard, M Jamison, M Matondo, J Matthews, D Nyamadzawo, C Oli, C Pilson, B Rukanda, N Rupere, R Sim, L Sinton, M Smith, S Smith, A Starkey, R Tsimba, H Weber, Marvellous Mhlanga, Theod Mhlanga, Adrian Carter, Paul Carter, Tony Cunha, Gary Fox, Russell Fox, Rakesh Mehta, Trupati Mehta, Steven Palmer, Sanjit Shingadia, Virgil Truter, Stuart Allan, Pfungwa Rupere, Malone Chaya, Owen Chaya, Douglas Chigudu, Terence Chikwezvero, Mukayi Chipudhla, Charles Chirau, Edward Dawanyi, Alexander Douse, Dominic Etheridge, Christopher Fischer, Fungisai Gwanzura, Dumiso Harahwa, Andrew Herring, Terence Jirira, Anthony Jones, George Jones, Lawrence Majuru, Jacob Masenda, Primrose Mderede, Siho Moilfe, Arthur Moore, John Moore, Fungai Pparadzi, Haatione Ndoro, Blessing Ngondo, Josephine Nyakurerwa, Clark Pegg, Richard Pilson, Dean Redman, Craig Russell, Frederick Siyachitema, Bright M.D. No related links listed. Dean Comberbach, Christopher Bradshaw, Pippa Denton, Rachel High, Rudo Manyande, Rebecca Parsons, Mavis Maravanyika, Josh Negri, Kevin Gunn, Patrick Chidakwa, Anthony Ireland-Jones, Ryan Zeederburg, Layla Scobie, Claire Worsley-Worswick, Lynzee Cook, Zanna Worsley-Worswick, Tanya Satande, Michelle Whitaker, Samantha Travers, Ziyanda Malaba, Shayne Lindsay, Lee Gibson, Georgina Freer, Lisa Zumbika, Leigh Worsley-Worswick, Tanaka Madyara, Meegan Lindsay, Lesley Mandivenga, Lordwish Hove, Tanaka Mutandiro, Masimba Machapu, Bruce Ballance, Corne Van Rooyen, Mandla Malaba, Jeffrey Tembo, Sean Nicholls, Ryan Mizzen, Tino Chasara, Courtney Hillier, Takudzwa Mugabe, Rebecca Barker, Clinton Auret, Brett Hobson, Riley Pattison. Peterhouse Nursery School is situated at Peterhouse Boys and caters for 40 pre-school boys and girls. About us. Glossary of Terms. Bailey Catherine, Baker Katy, Balance Tessa, Bezuidenhout Deon, Bristow Jennifer, De Klerk Pieter, Englebrecht Heidi, Grey Alana, Gulab Sareeta, Heyns George, Houseman Emily, Kind Nicholas, Knight Andrew, Long Sean, Malaba Nothando, Matambo Victoria, Morgan Leeann, Mupfururirwa Anesu, Raynor Geraldine, Steel Philip, Tandi Faith, Tanner Julie, Tinofirei Brenda, Turner Victoria, Travers Reilly, Van Duren Adele, Valla Roshnee, Woodhouse Craig, Zwart Pieter. The Peterhouse group of Anglican boarding schools has 1,045 students on 3,000 acres (12 km²) in Marondera, Zimbabwe, and comprises Peterhouse Boys', Peterhouse Girls', the Preparatory School, Springvale House, Peterhaven at Nyanga and the 800 acre Gosho Park conservation education project and wildlife sanctuary. Aisam Shanice, Bissett Torrin, Brits Shirea, Broxham Sean, Chanetsa Ruth, Chigogwana Tabonga, Chiponda Audrey, Chitekedza Takunda, Davies Samantha, Faydherbe Isabelle, Garwe Wingrace, Gillwald Allyson, Green Joshua, Hawkins Nicolle, Hulley Jorden, Johnson David, Jones Siobhan, Kloppers Sallie, Lou Xiao, Majengwa Makanaka, Manikai Mudiwa, Masawi Blessing, Mawunga Tanaka, Mpozvori Erykah,Molife Dale, Moran Joshua, Mukucha Sasha, Mupfumi Rutendo, Murengami Michelle, Mutema Chloe, Mutwiwa Denzel, Nyadundu Tinotenda, Pareekh Ria, Paulser Marcel, Rundogo Primrose, Sage Terance, Schultz Callum, Shoesmith Benjamin, Soltau Murray, Wallace Eggersglusz Holly, Wright Campbell. 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing ABC Regatta (Mazowe), 08 00 PHB Full School Chapel (Choral Eucharist), 13 30 PHB Tennis v Hellenic 1st; U16 (h) U14; U15 (a), 14 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v St John’s (PHG), 13 30 PHB Mash East Tennis U19 (h) U15 (Watershed) tba, 14 30 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v Westridge (Westridge), 04 00 PHB Tennis 1st & Cricket departs for Falcon, 07 30 PHB & PHG Cross Country (Lomagundi), 13 30 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon), 14 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st - 2 day game (a), 08 00 PHB Tennis 1st Team Falcon Tournament (Falcon), 08 00 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15 Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon), 08 00 PHB Basketball Top 8 Feb Fever (St John’s), 09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; 3rd; Bs (h), 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing RAZ National Champs, 08 30 PHB & PHG NASP Archery Tournament (St John’s Prep), 09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; Bs (h), 20 00 PHB & PHG A Block, Vth & VIth Form Musical Auditions, 15 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v Watershed (a), 19 30 Mission Week Final Concert (Venue - tba), 09 00 District Interzonal Athletics (tbc), 14 00 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v PE (Hre Girls High), 14 00 PHB & PHG Swimming Inter. Class of 2019Ascott Lily, Bathurst Coco Lee, Bean Lily Jo, Chibanda Anotidashe, Chikamhi Desire, Chikuri Nyasha, Chinodyaruswa Masimbaashe, Chisenga Anoshamisa, Cremer Eleanor, Fantiso Panashe, Fearon Kyle, Goven Sanika, Hawkins Russell, Hewer Scott, Hill Lizelle, Isaacs Kiesha, Jemedze Lee-Ann, Jones Sinead, Kadzirange Andra, Kapuya Vimbisai, Kaschula Danielle, Kusena Immanuel, Kwenda Tatenda, Manhanga Christopher, Moore Julia, Niranjan Bhana, Orphanides Acacia, Palmer Jake, Sanangura Ashley, Saravoyi John, Shanahan Chloe, Stanger Liam, Van der Merwe Lanah, Van Rooyen Blake, Viljoen Ryan, Watt James, Zvandaziva Kupakwashe. The Peterhouse Group is led by the Rector, Mr Howard Blackett; he also has responsibility on a day-to-day basis for Peterhouse Boys. Ackerman Donna-Leigh, Bailey Tamrun, Bailey Derek, Baisley Kerin, Baker Rosland, Chinengundu Wadzanai, Chinyama Noreen, Geach Taryn, Gulab Amitabh, Guy Robyn, Howat Diana, Jackson Emma, Jobson Robyn, Keith Patrick, Luke Ben, Mordt Eduart, Munjoma Simbirai, Pattison Nicola, Pratt Naomi, Raynor Angela, Sellers Lucy, Steel Crystal, Stockil Kerry, Swemmer Richard, Thomson Sandra, Turner Robert, Wright Nicola, Teazel Kawome, Frieda Madzikanda, Nunurai Masawi, Tsitsi Tembo. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. 14 00 PHB Swimming Eaglesvale Relays (Eaglesvale) ? History. Bentley Lauren, Chironga Makomborero, Cooke Courtney, Cox Georgie, Desai Ketan, Dollar Jessica, Dollar Sammy, Dreyer Wayne, Ewart Talya, Faydherebe Hannah, Gonondo Tendayi, Groenewald Tyla, Gunda Moses, Gwishiri Jennifer, Heathcote Scott, Hough Emma, Johnson Fergus, Malaba Pindile, Manhombo Mudiwa, Matibiri Joy, Mupeti Tarisai, Murape Natasha, Mutuke Rodney, Naaude Lauren, Ross Ryan, Storrer Shannon, Whitcomb Samuel, Zee Theresa, Beadon Michael, Chapman Richard, Chinyanaga kudakwashe, Gaitskell Mitchell, Klostris Fotini, Madzivanyika Danielle, Magner Stacey, Makwindi Munashe, Mason Brooke, Moores Peter, Mudzinganyama Munesu, Myburgh Michael, Nzanga Shalom, Pienaar Hannah, Satande Tariro, Steyn Jason, Taffs Stuart, Tatham Bradley,Wakefield Connor, Yates Sebastian. Mrs Marcellina Muchemwa, who sat on several ATS boards, told The Sunday Mail that racism in Zimbabwe’s private schools has been subtle, particularly after the Fast-Track Land Reform Programme. This involves watering and planting of seedlings. Banky Zane, Burr Debbie, Carrie -Wilson Ryan, Coughlan Jane, Duff Gordon, Ebden Charles, Heathcote Kelly, Karim Shaydal, Mugabe Sam, Munjoma Dulcie, Palmer Ian, Evie Stanley, Stockil Ryan, Time Gilbert, Tshekeche Sheila, Warburton Katie, West Luke, Willis Michelle, Wilson Zubaid. Phone: +263 (0)65-2323598. Andrew Emma, Ballance Alexis, Ballance Janie, Bettin Sandra, Blackwell Kim, Chiduku Joel, Coughlan Tammy, Crnkovic Joseph, Dereham Nicola, Dodman Craig, Engelbrecht Chelsea, Gono Passion, Grey Nicolle, Gulab Jaiyana, Hopgood Timothy, Kind Robert, Mahlatini Simon, Mordt Lara, Motsi Teurayi, Nel Tamara, Niven Joseph, Purecell-Gilpin Talitha, Swan Robyn, Tanner Sherrie, Travers Francis, Van der Walt Rachelle, Wells Lindsay. 263 79 24200. The official page of the Peterhouse Group of Schools - Boys, Girls, Springvale House, Petreans & Friends. Peterhouse Girls (or Peterhouse) is an independent, boarding, high school for girls, aged 12–18 in Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe. Prov Champs (Harare) to Sun20 00 PHB Prefects’ Committee Meeting Thur 18 Feb09 55 Lessons End – Half Term starts after Roll CallFri 19 Feb Half-TermZimbabwe Squash Championships (Venue tbc) to Sun08 00 PHB Tennis Interprovincial Trials U19 (PE) U15 (St John’s)Sat 20 Feb Half-Term08 00 PHB Tennis IPT U19 (PE) U15 (ST John’s)09 30 PHB & PHG Triathlon – Bonaqua/ATU African Cup (Troutbeck) –to Sun ________________________________________Week 7/A Duty Houses: PHB Paget ________________________________________Sun 21 Feb Half-TermMon 22 Feb Half-TermTue 23 Feb 10 00 Roll Call in Houses – Half Term Ends13 00 COSCO & TMT Meeting (SHGBR)14 00 PHB Winter Sports StartWed 24 Feb 13 00 PHB & PHG PE Sprints Challenge (a) 13 00 PHB & PHG Gateway Interschools Quiz (a)Fri 26 Feb Closed Weekend13 00 PHB & PHG Fly Fishing Training till Sunday 13 00 PHB & PHG DoE Bronze/Silver Journey (Imire) till Sunday 14 00 PHB & PHG ATS Snr Debate Tournament (tbc)Sat 27 Feb 08 00 PHB & PHG ATS Snr Debate Tournament (tbc)09 00 PHB Cricket v Lomagundi 1st; As (h) 2nd; Bs (a)________________________________________Week 8/B Duty Houses: PHB Snell ________________________________________Sun 28 Feb 08 00 PHB Full School Chapel 08 30 PHB & PHG NASP Archery Tournament (Hellenic Primary)09 00 PHB & PHG Combined Interhouse Individual Athletics (h)Mon 1 Mar St David Eisteddfodd Starts 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing leave for SATue 2 Mar15 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v Convent (h)Wed 3 Mar09 00 PHB Inter-District Athletics (tbc)14 00 PHB Table Tennis v PHG (PHG)14 00 PHB 7 Aside Rugby (tbc)Fri 5 Mar 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing SA School Champs till 7 March13 30 PHB Tennis v St John’s (Mim du Toit) 1st (h)14 00 PHB Cricket T20 1st v Hellenic (h)Sat 6 Mar 09 00 PHB Cricket 1st 50 Overs v Hellenic (h)09 30 PHB Interschools Athletics Invitation Relays (h)________________________________________Week 9/A Duty Houses: PHB Ellis ________________________________________Sun 7 Mar 08 00 PHB & PHG Triathlon AG STD/Sprint (Mt Pleasant)08 00 PHB & PHG Open Swim Competition (Kushinga)11 00 PHB Ellis House Braai (Aths Pavilion)18 00 PHB Full School Chapel (Choral Evensong)Mon 8 Mar08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing return from SATue 9 Mar13 00 PHB Colours Committee Meeting 14 00 PHB Chess v St George’s (h)Wed 10 Mar08 00 PHB Vth Form Geography Field Trip 13 30 PHB Interhouse Tennis14 00 PHB & PHG Rugby Referees (M’dera High)14 00 PHB 7 Aside Rugby (tbc)20 00 PHB Prefects’ Committee Meeting Thur 11 Mar08 00 PHB A Block Geography Field Trip Fri 12 Mar09 00 Petrean Golf Day – Royal Harare Golf Club 09 40 Lessons End – 3rd FFW starts after Roll Call13 30 PHB Tennis v St George’s (Mim du Toit) 1st (a)________________________________________Week 10/B Duty Houses: PHB Founders ________________________________________Sun 14 Mar FFW Mothering Sunday 08 00 PHB & PHG Triathlon Safeguard Event (Mt Pleasant)Mon 15 Mar10 00 Roll Call in Houses – 3rd FFW EndsTue 16 Mar11 30 Old Mutual Pensions Meeting (Virtual)13 00 FINCO (SHGBR)15 00 PHSSS (SHGBR)Wed 17 Mar St Patrick14 00 PHB & PHG Rugby Referees (M’dera High)14 00 PHB 7 Aside Rugby (tbc)18 30 PHB Housemasters’ St Patrick’s Evening (Lodge)Thur 18 Mar18 00 Clothing Committee Meeting (SHGBR)Sat 20 Mar 08 00 PHB Athletics – St George’s Invitation (a)08 00 PHB Rugby 7 Aside U14; U15; U16; Open (h)09 00 PHB & PHG Triathlon SA Champs09 00 PHB Cricket 1st v Petrean Select (h) (tbc)09 00 EXCO (SHGBR)19 00 PHG A Block Dance (PHG)________________________________________Week 11/A Duty Houses: PHB Grinham ________________________________________Sun 21 Mar 08 00 PHB Full School Chapel 11 00 PHB Grinham House Braai (Aths Pavilion) 19 00 PHB Junior Play – Final Full RehearsalTue 23 Mar19 00 PHB Jnr Play ‘The Jungle Book’ (PHB&PHG D, C & Jnr Schools)Wed 24 Mar09 00 Interprovincial (National) Athletics (tbc)19 00 PHB Jnr Play ‘The Jungle Book’ (PHB&PHG B & A Block)Thur 25 Mar Annunciation of Mary19 00 PHB Jnr Play ‘The Jungle Book’(PHB&PHG Vth, VIth & Comm)Fri 26 Mar Closed Weekend Sat 27 Mar08 00 PHB & PHG Athletics Lomagundi Invitation (a)09 00 PHB Cricket 1st v Petrean Select (h) (tbc)09 00 PHB 7 Aside Rugby (tbc)________________________________________Week 12/B Duty Houses: PHB Malvern ________________________________________Sun 28 Mar Palm Sunday Eisteddfod Ends06 00 PHB & PHG NASP Archery to Hellenic (Hre)07 30 PHB U14 Rugby Trials 08 00 PEC Easter Show Graded HIPEC Arena (Harare)09 00 Petrean Sports Day (PHB)18 00 PHB Full School Chapel Mon 29 Mar07 00 PHB AS Travel & Tourism Coursework Trip till Thurs08 00 PHB & PHG NASP Archery Tour to Namibia 14 00 PHB Athletics Interhouse Relays 16 00 Calendar Meeting (SHGBR)Tue 30 Mar14 00 PHB Athletics Interhouse Relays 18 30 Group Eisteddfod Highlights Concert (FH)Wed 31 Mar07 30 PHB, PHG & SVH (Infants, Gr 6 & 7) Term Ends14 00 PHB Rugby Kershaw 7 Aside U16; 1st (Hellenic)Fri 2 April Good FridaySat 3 AprilSun 4 April Easter Sunday. 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