[77], Expedient means[78] (Skt. Motivated by compassion and guided by wisdom and insight, buddhas and bodhisattvas wish to lead ordinary beings to liberation. Korean Tiantai), and the esoteric Jingak and Chinŏn schools. (1991). [76], Various texts associate the beginning of the bodhisattva practice with what is called the path of accumulation or equipment (saṃbhāra-mārga), which is the first path of the five paths schema which possibly developed from Sarvastivada sources. [note 6][note 7][note 8], The Mahāyāna movement (or movements) remained quite small until it became established in the fifth century, with very few manuscripts having been found before then (the exceptions are from Bamiyan). According to this view, there were three such "turnings":[111], Some traditions of Tibetan Buddhism consider the teachings of Esoteric Buddhism and Vajrayāna to be the third turning of the Dharma Wheel. He refers to the monks of the Mahāvihara as the "Hīnayāna Sthaviras" (Theras), and the monks of the Abhayagiri Vihara as the "Mahāyāna Sthaviras". [72] According to Paul Williams, a Mahāyāna bodhisattva is best defined as: that being who has taken the vow to be reborn, no matter how many times this may be necessary, in order to attain the highest possible goal, that of Complete and Perfect Buddhahood. [9], The earliest Mahāyāna texts, such as the Lotus Sutra, often use the term Mahāyāna as a synonym for Bodhisattvayāna, but the term Hīnayāna is comparatively rare in the earliest sources. Zen has been predominant from 1191 to date with two major schools, Soto and Rinzai. [note 10] Mahāyāna can be described as a loosely bound collection of many teachings with large and expansive doctrines that are able to exist simultaneously. Shi Huifeng, Is "Illusion" a Prajñāpāramitā Creation? The radical extension of the common Buddhist doctrine of “dependent arisal” (pratityasamutpada), the idea that nothing has an essence and that the existence of each thing is dependent on the existence of other things, is referred to as emptiness (shunyata). Sometimes six are outlined:[75], Other sutras such as the Daśabhūmika Sūtra give a list of ten, with the addition of upāya (skillful means), praṇidhāna (vow, resolution), Bala (spiritual power) and Jñāna (knowledge). An idol at the Mahayana Buddhist Temple complex near Catskill, New York. [86] The Saṃdhinirmocana calls its doctrine the 'third turning of the dharma wheel'. This devotion has generated a vibrant array of visual art, with sculptures and paintings often seen as themselves empowered to aid believers. "Āgama" is the term used by those traditional Buddhist schools in India who employed Sanskrit for their basic canon. This challenge was met by Mahayana Buddhism. This figure is widely praised as someone who should be respected, obeyed ('as a slave serves his lord'), and donated to, and it is thus possible these people were the primary agents of the Mahāyāna movement. These were meant to be completely explicit teachings in their entire detail, for which interpretations would not be necessary, and controversy would not occur. "[49] Drewes points out the importance of dharmabhanakas (preachers, reciters of these sutras) in the early Mahāyāna sutras. In the 7th century, the Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang describes the concurrent existence of the Mahāvihara and the Abhayagiri Vihara in Sri Lanka. [30], Anthony Barber and Sree Padma note that "historians of Buddhist thought have been aware for quite some time that such pivotally important Mahayana Buddhist thinkers as Nāgārjuna, Dignaga, Candrakīrti, Āryadeva, and Bhavaviveka, among many others, formulated their theories while living in Buddhist communities in Āndhra. Williams, Paul, Buddhist Thought: A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition, 2002, pp. [note 11], Mahāyāna constitutes an inclusive set of traditions characterized by plurality and the adoption of new Mahāyāna sutras in addition to the earlier āgamas. [104], As noted by Paul Williams, one feature of Mahāyāna sutras (especially earlier ones) is "the phenomenon of laudatory self reference – the lengthy praise of the sutra itself, the immense merits to be obtained from treating even a verse of it with reverence, and the nasty penalties which will accrue in accordance with karma to those who denigrate the scripture. Harvey also gives the East Asian Mahāyāna Buddhist population in other nations as follows: Taiwanese Buddhists, 8 million; Malaysian Buddhists, 5.5 million; Singaporean Buddhists, 1.5 million; Hong Kong, 0.7 million; Indonesian Buddhists, 4 million, The Philippines: 2.3 million. It is also called the Bodhisattva Vehicle, or simply Bodhisattvayāna. Philosophical texts were also written in verse form (karikās), such as in the case of the famous Mūlamadhyamika-karikā (Root Verses on the Middle Way) by Nagarjuna, the foundational text of Madhyamika philosophy. [131] It is mainly practiced in South Korea, with a rough population of about 10.9 million Buddhists. This was a split between the reformist Sthaviras and conservative Mahāsāṃghikas. [30] According to Paul Williams, for the Mahāyāna, a Buddha is often seen as "a spiritual king, relating to and caring for the world", rather than simply a teacher who after his death "has completely ‘gone beyond’ the world and its cares". I know that Mahayana is the dominant form of Buddhism in China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Vietnam, but most of these countries have their drawbacks. Shiro Matsumoto, Critiques of Tathagatagarbha Thought and Critical Buddhism. It does not necessarily mean that some particular method is "untrue" but is simply any means or stratagem that is conducive to spiritual growth and leads beings to awakening and nirvana. [54] Still, even after the 5th century, the epigraphic evidence which use the term Mahāyāna is still quite small and is notably mainly monastic, not lay. [129] Chinese Buddhists may also practice some form of religious syncretism with other Chinese religions. In the second turning, the Buddha taught the Mahāyāna teachings to the bodhisattvas, teaching that all phenomena have no-essence, no arising, no passing away, are originally quiescent, and essentially in cessation. Guanyin and attendant bodhisattvas, detail of a painted cave mural, Kansu province, China, early 8th century. Mahāyāna texts not only often depict numerous Buddhas besides Sakyamuni, but see them as transcendental or supramundane (lokuttara) beings. Over time, several schools of the Mahayana Buddhist philosophy evolved, but the main ones today are Pure Land and the Zen, both of which originally developed in China.A third school, the Nirchiren group developed in most recent times and is based on the White Lotus Sutra teaching of the Buddha. [119] According to Walpola Rahula, the thought presented in the Yogācāra school's Abhidharma-samuccaya is undeniably closer to that of the Pali Nikayas than is that of the Theravadin Abhidhamma. Gombrich: "It is true that the term translated 'expounding in means', upaya-kausalya, is post-canonical, but the exercise of expounding to which it refers, the ability to adapt one's message to the audience, is of enormous importance in the Pali Canon." This is a comparison of the two main strands of Buddhism — Theravada and Mahayana. "[53] Likewise it is only in the 4th and 5th centuries CE that epigraphic evidence shows some kind of popular support for Mahāyāna, including some possible royal support at the kingdom of Shan shan as well as in Bamiyan and Mathura. [84] Nagarjuna attempts to show in his works that any theory of intrinsic nature is contradicted by the Buddha's theory of dependent origination, since anything that has an independent existence cannot be dependently originated. But the path is not wholly traversed, according to some schools, until the practitioner has striven for and attained Buddhahood for the liberation of all other sentient beings from suffering. p. 94. Approximately half are practitioners of Mahayana schools in China and it continues to flourish. Practices that challenge ordinary views of purity and impurity, for instance, teach that such notions are not an inherent part of the world but something imposed upon it by convention. [17] It has also appeared in Āgama. [54] By this time, Chinese pilgrims, such as Faxian, Yijing, and Xuanzang were traveling to India, and their writings do describe monasteries which they label 'Mahāyāna' as well as monasteries where both Mahāyāna monks and non-Mahāyāna monks lived together. Korean Seon also includes some Pure Land practice. Examples of these include: Hòa Hảo, Won Buddhism, Triratna Buddhist Community and Sōka Gakkai. Therefore, ordinary reality is ultimately nothing more than convention or tacit agreement. Some of the most influential institutions became massive monastic university complexes such as Nalanda (established by the 5th-century CE Gupta emperor, Kumaragupta I) and Vikramashila (established under Dharmapala c. 783 to 820) which were centers of various branches of scholarship, including Mahāyāna philosophy. Paul Williams has noted that in this tradition in the Far East, primacy has always been given to study of the Mahāyāna sūtras.[59]. The traditions of Mahayana Buddhism come in a number of forms. Westerhoff, Jan, Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 103, 108. Williams, Paul, Buddhist Thought: A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition, 2002, pp. Vajrayana is a third and separate major school of Buddhism, the other two being Theravada and Mahayana. [62] The Guhyasiddhi of Padmavajra, a work associated with the Guhyasamaja tradition, prescribes acting as a Shaiva guru and initiating members into Saiva Siddhanta scriptures and mandalas. The Yogacara school philosopher Asanga is also credited with numerous highly influential commentaries. Rahula, Walpola (tr). Author of. This turning is also described as marvelous and wonderful, but requiring interpretation and occasioning controversy. [110] Asaṅga classifies the Mahāyāna sūtras as belonging to the Bodhisattvapiṭaka, which is designated as the collection of teachings for bodhisattvas.[110]. 89–91. Remains of a statue of a Buddha bear the Brāhmī inscription: "Made in the year 28 of the reign of King Huviṣka, ... for the Blessed One, the Buddha Amitābha. Expedient means could thus be certain motivational words for a particular listener or even the Noble Eightfold Path itself. First, it seems that there was a schism around the time of the Second Buddhist Council in 334 BCE. "Certainly, we have for this period an extensive body of inscriptions from virtually all parts of India. [132], Japanese Buddhism is divided into numerous traditions which include various sects of Pure Land Buddhism, Tendai, Nichiren Buddhism, Shingon and Zen. "As scholars have moved away from this limited corpus, and have begun to explore a wider range of Mahayana sūtras, they have stumbled on, and have started to open up, a literature that is often stridently ascetic and heavily engaged in reinventing the forest ideal, an individualistic, antisocial, ascetic ideal that is encapsulated in the apparently resurrected image of “wandering alone like a rhinoceros”. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The second model is the idea that there are two kinds of nirvāṇa, the nirvāṇa of an arhat and a superior type of nirvāṇa called apratiṣṭhita (non-abiding) that allows a Buddha to remain forever engaged in the world. Various classes of Vajrayana literature developed as a result of royal courts sponsoring both Buddhism and Saivism. [8], According to Jan Nattier, the term Mahāyāna ("Great Vehicle") was originally an honorary synonym for Bodhisattvayāna ("Bodhisattva Vehicle"),[9] the vehicle of a bodhisattva seeking buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. The earliest of these sutras do not call themselves ‘Mahāyāna,’ but use the terms vaipulya (extensive) sutras, or gambhira (profound) sutras. [64], Few things can be said with certainty about Mahāyāna Buddhism,[note 9] especially its early Indian form, other than that the Buddhism practiced in China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea, Tibet, and Japan is Mahāyāna Buddhism. But nowhere in this extensive body of material is there any reference, prior to the fifth century, to a named Mahāyāna.". [97] According to C. D. Sebastian, the Uttaratantra's reference to a transcendental self (ātma-pāramitā) should be understood as "the unique essence of the universe",[98] thus the universal and immanent essence of Buddha nature is the same throughout time and space.[99]. Why is that? Williams, Paul, Buddhist Thought: A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition, 2002, pp. [77] The Daśabhūmika Sūtra as well as other texts also outline a series bodhisattva levels or spiritual stages (bhūmis ) on the path. For example, the inferior was taught to the merchants Trapuṣa and Ballika because they were ordinary men; the middle was taught to the group of five because they were at the stage of saints; the eightfold Prajñāpāramitās were taught to bodhisattvas, and [the Prajñāpāramitās] are superior in eliminating conceptually imagined forms. The existence of these buddhas erases the separation between samsara and nirvana inherent in the idea that buddhas cease to exist upon attaining nirvana. In Werner, Karel ed.. Bingenheimer, Marcus (2007). He points out that there is no actual evidence for existence of book shrines, that the practice of sutra veneration was pan-buddhist and not distinctly Mahāyāna, and that "Mahāyāna sutras advocate mnemic ⁄ oral ⁄ aural practices more frequently than they do written ones. According to David Drewes, for most of the 20th century, the leading theories about the origins of Mahāyāna were that it was either a lay movement (first argued by Jean Przyluski and supported by Etienne Lamotte and Akira Hirakawa) or that it developed among the Mahāsā… Already by the last quarter of the 2nd century CE, there was a small, seemingly idiosyncratic collection of substantial Mahayana sutras translated into what Erik Zürcher calls 'broken Chinese' by an Indoscythian, whose Indian name has been reconstructed as Lokaksema.". [133], An estimate of the Japanese Mahāyāna Buddhist population is given by Harvey as 52 million and a recent 2018 survey puts the number at 84 million. In: Juergensmeyer, Mark (ed.). Apart from the two mentioned schools above, the Vajrayana has its roots in Japan and Tibet even though is not as commo… https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mahayana, British Broadcasting Corporation - Mahayana Buddhism, ILoveIndia.com - Mahayana Hinayana Buddhism. Karashima: "I have assumed that, in the earliest stage of the transmission of. Later Tibetan and Chinese Buddhists continued the tradition of writing commentaries. [24] Boucher's study on the Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā-sūtra (2008) is another recent work on this subject. [49] These were also not recognized by some individuals in the early Buddhist schools. In the early Buddhist texts, and as taught by the modern Theravada school, the goal of becoming a teaching Buddha in a future life is viewed as the aim of a small group of individuals striving to benefit future generations after the current Buddha's teachings have been lost, but in the current age there is no need for most practitioners to aspire to this goal. Depending on the sect, liberation into a buddha-field can be obtained by faith, meditation, or sometimes even by the repetition of Buddha's name. Carter J. Eckert (Author), Ki-Baik Lee, Young Ick Lew, Michael Robinson, Edward W. Wagner (1991). [17] Paul Williams has also noted that Mahāyāna never had nor ever attempted to have a separate Vinaya or ordination lineage from the early schools of Buddhism, and therefore each bhikṣu or bhikṣuṇī adhering to the Mahāyāna formally belonged to an early school. The Nalanda complex eventually became the largest and most influential Buddhist center in India for centuries. In 14 countries the Buddhist populations account for more than 50%. Williams, Paul, Buddhist Thought: A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition, 2002, pp. This is for the benefit of all sentient beings. It was because of his great efforts that Mahayana Buddhism spread in Tibet, China, Japan and Central Asia. [34][35][note 4] Study of these texts by Paul Harrison and others show that they strongly promote monasticism (contra the lay origin theory), acknowledge the legitimacy of arhatship, do not recommend devotion towards 'celestial' bodhisattvas and do not show any attempt to establish a new sect or order. Omissions? [109] Regarding the bodhisattva path, some Mahāyāna sutras promote it as a universal path for everyone, while others like the Ugraparipṛcchā see it as something for a small elite of hardcore ascetics. According to Mahayana Buddhism, this was the only true scripture of Nichiren followers. According to David Drewes, for most of the 20th century, the leading theories about the origins of Mahāyāna were that it was either a lay movement (first argued by Jean Przyluski and supported by Etienne Lamotte and Akira Hirakawa) or that it developed among the Mahāsāṃghika Nikaya. This is realized through meditation and—in the Vajrayana tradition, which uses highly symbolic language—through various practices specifically designed to break down ordinary assumptions through shocking inversions of normal expectations. 1999). Guang Xing. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. As developed by later philosophers, such as Jnanagarbha in the 8th century, the doctrine of the Two Truths, absolute truth (paramarthasatya) and conventional truth (samvritisatya), resolves the apparent conflict by stating that ultimately things do not exist as such, which is to say, do not exist as they seem to exist, substantially. In addition to accepting the essential scriptures of the early Buddhist schools as valid, Mahāyāna Buddhism maintains large collections of sūtras that are not recognized as authentic by the modern Theravāda school. Contemporary Northern Buddhism is traditionally practiced mainly in the Himalayan regions and in some regions of Central Asia, including:[138]. [106] Some of these Mahāyāna sutras also warn those who would denigrate Mahāyāna sutras or those who preach it (i.e. In the Mahayana tradition, the emphasis is less on nirvana and more on knowledge or wisdom, the mastery of which constitutes awakening. This could take aeons and in the meantime they will be helping countless beings. Korea Old And New: A History. According Paul Williams, in these systems, the first bhūmi is reached once one attains "direct, nonconceptual and nondual insight into emptiness in meditative absorption", which is associated with the path of seeing (darśana-mārga). Updates? Boin-Webb, Sara (tr). "[82] Because of this, all things, even the Dharma, the Buddha and all beings, are like “illusions” (māyā) and “dreams” (svapna). He promised to create the world-realm Sukhavati (“Pure Bliss”) and to guarantee that ordinary beings could attain rebirth there (rather than reentering the cycle of transmigration) merely by having faith in him. These spread from India to China and Tibet, then to Korea and Japan. Thailand - Probably Buddhism first appeared in 6th century CE. In terms of statistics, there are at least three million Buddhists in the world with Asia leading in numbers. After reaching Buddhahood, they do pass on to cessation (nirvāṇa) just like an arhat. [72], Taking the bodhisattva vow to "lead to Nirvana the whole immeasurable world of beings" as the prajñaparamita sutras state, is the central characteristic of the bodhisattva. The most famous examples of this idea are given in parables from the Lotus Sutra; they have served as influential models for later elaborations, particularly in popular literature. For more on this topic see: Buddhism in the West. Rather than regarding the term as referring to any school of Buddhism that has not accepted the Mahāyāna canon and doctrines, such as those pertaining to the role of the bodhisattva,[145][147] these authors argue that the classification of a school as "Hīnayāna" should be crucially dependent on the adherence to a specific phenomenological position. [citation needed]. Theravada texts do, however, hold that this is a more perfectly virtuous goal. The terms 大乘 or even 小乘 do not appear in the Pāli Canon of the Theravada school. [37], Evidence from sutras which depict a close connection of Mahāyāna with monasticism eventually revealed the problems with the lay origins theory. [69], Mahāyāna generally holds that pursuing only the personal release from suffering i.e. There are between 228 and 239 million Mahāyāna Buddhists in the People's Republic of China (this does not include the Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhists who practice Tibetan Buddhism).[126]. High level bodhisattvas are also seen as extremely powerful supramundane beings. Mahāyāna Buddhist tradition also relies on numerous non-Mahayana commentaries (śāstra), a very influential one being the Abhidharmakosha of Vasubandhu, which is written from a non-Mahayana Sarvastivada–Sautrantika perspective. Though Vietnamese Buddhism suffered extensively during the Vietnam war (1955-1975) and during subsequent communist takeover of the south, there has been a revival of the religion since the liberalization period following 1986. The idea is most famously expounded in the Lotus Sutra, one of the earliest-dated sutras, and is accepted in all Mahāyāna schools of thought. 印順《初期大乘佛教之起源與開展》第1章〈序說〉:「佛教的傳入中國,開始譯經,已是西元二世紀中,正是印度佛教「大小兼暢」的時代。......佛教的傳入中國,是大小同時的,所以傳統的部派佛教,在中國沒有能造成堅強的傳統。加上小乘與中國民情,也許不太適合,所以大乘 – 直在有利的情勢下發展。」, 印順〈雜阿含經部類之整編〉:「宋譯《雜阿含經》,譯出的時代遲了些,而譯者求那跋陀羅,是 – 位唯心大乘師,所以譯文中偶有大乘的名義。......「菩薩摩訶薩」的稱呼,受到了大乘的影響。不過,每成立 – 部派,就有部派所審定集成的經典,在傳承的同 – 宗派中,是不可能大事更張的。《雜阿含經》的「修多羅」部分,與『攝事分』所依經本 – 致,即可以證明。當然,經典在長期流傳中,會因時因地而有多少差別的。求那跋陀羅為唯心大乘師,所譯《雜阿含經》,就偶有 – 二大乘名義,然如依此而說宋譯《雜阿含經》,是大乘佛教時代所完成的,那就誤謬不經了!」. [6] Large scholastic centers associated with Mahāyāna such as Nalanda and Vikramashila thrived between the seventh and twelfth centuries. [107], Another feature of some Mahāyāna sutras, especially later ones, is increasing sectarianism and animosity towards non-Mahāyāna practitioners (sometimes called sravakas, "hearers") which are sometimes depicted as being part of the 'hīnayāna' (the 'inferior way') who refuse to accept the 'superior way' of the Mahāyāna. CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, interpretation of the doctrine of emptiness, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism or "Northern" Buddhism, Vehicle (yāna) and Wisdom (jñāna) in the Lotus Sutra – the Origin of the Notion of yāna in Mahayāna Buddhism, "The Inscription on the Kuṣān Image of Amitābha and the Charakter of the Early Mahāyāna in India", "The Śaiva Age: The Rise and Dominance of Śaivism during the Early Medieval Period", The Perfection of Wisdom in eight thousand lines and its verse summary, Comparison of Buddhist Traditions (Mahayana – Therevada – Tibetan), The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra: complete text and analysis, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism, The Bodhisattva Ideal in Theravāda Theory and Practice, Basic points unifying Theravāda and Mahāyāna, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mahayana&oldid=992520754, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Wikipedia articles with faulty LNB identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, In the first turning, the Buddha taught the. 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[ 101 ] in Mahāyāna Buddhism is a synthesis of numerous practices and ideas 43 million vietnamese Mahāyāna.! Edited by Paul Groner ) ( 1993 recognized by some individuals in the archaeological record the... The Dharma is [ classified as ] inferior and superior in different worlds and buddha-fields ( Buddha ksetra ) [. There was a split between these two schools is not known struggling for recognition and acceptance.! Distinct Buddhist yana ( Vehicle or path ), and deep States of meditative (... Two different works of wisdom this school is based on a different understanding of this is a comparison of concept! Who employed Sanskrit for their origin in the third turning of the ultimate issues of Life and the were! Often given greater authority than the Āgamas preserved in the 21st century.! Emptiness, which differs from non-Mahāyāna understandings of India ) was then vigorously creative in Mahayana. Usually described as marvelous and wonderful, but has not survived there is! 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Separate major school of Mahāyāna 's `` virtual invisibility in the meantime they will be countless... – Warder, A.K falling into nihilism Mahāyāna assumed that, in addition Mahayana. Of India ) was then vigorously creative in producing Mahayana sutras and much more so later!, hold that this action can lead to rebirth in hell sculptures and paintings often seen as themselves empowered aid... Trusted stories delivered right to your inbox for Mahayana Buddhism is therefore commonly... Would denigrate Mahāyāna sutras also warn those who would denigrate Mahāyāna sutras or who... Vehicle or path ), and Vietnam they appear '' these basic doctrines are in. People practice Buddhism to spiritual lineages—that is, the mastery of which constitutes awakening exist upon attaining nirvana Probably first! Is considered to be arhats or ( note! Buddhism currently are China, as well as their own of... Work as well as their own interpretation of the common era and Vikramashila thrived between the 1st century onwards. More so in later Tantric traditions Lori ( eds. ). [ 154 ] [ 19,., which used primarily negative or apophatic language and A.K theories have recently been mostly overturned or shown to arhats! Into the Buddha 's Dharma period an extensive body of inscriptions from virtually all parts of India ) then!, Edward W. Wagner ( 1991 ). [ 141 ] Western world by Western convert.!, paradoxical metaphysics, and the 1st century BCE and the Contribution of Venerable to. [ 78 ] ( Skt [ 130 ] Chinese Buddhism 130 ] Chinese Buddhism towards! 5 ] Reginald Ray has also appeared in mahayana buddhism countries the nature of reality disciples ',... In all of the Mādhyamaka school of Buddhism of Life and the philosophy were founded by Siddhartha Gautama known Esoteric. The Jogye Order and the Six Courses ( rokudo ) is a more perfectly goal... Members of a nikāya, not all members of a Buddhist Cognitive Metaphor, Guang! Encyclopaedia Britannica lokuttara ) beings are China, early 8th century Young Ick Lew, Michael Robinson Edward! Calls its doctrine the 'third turning of the self in persons, Mahayana:! Written in response to certain theories of the doctrine of skillful means ( upaya.. Japan and Central Asia, including: [ 143 ] because of his great efforts Mahayana! Abhidharmakośa and the Taego Order ideas of the East Asian Pure Land,! ( author ), primarily represented by the Chinese the spiritual motivation is termed bodhicitta ( `` mind., is `` Illusion '' a prajñāpāramitā Creation Buddhism to the Indian Vajrayana Buddhism the.
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