Hinduism is a religion that defies definite classification, and in practice, it has both monotheistic and polytheistic components. Hire a subject expert to help you with Hinduism: Monotheistic or Polytheistic. Ok so I recently watched a video on Hinduism and the video had a nice woman who converted to Hinduism from Christianity. camera phone free hinduism monotheism sharing upload … Brahman is the force that permeates all creation, including our Atman. They believe that All is One, and therefore worship of anything is ultimately worship of God. 5 years ago. 0 0. What surprised me was when she said that is wasn't polytheistic but monotheistic. Under the conventional definitions of monotheism and polytheism, HINDUISM IS POLYTHEISTIC. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Therefore you are worthy of praise and sacrifice” (Course Reader 1, p. 26). How many religions are polytheistic? Hinduism is a decidedly theistic religion; the difficulty lies in determining whether it is a polytheistic, pantheistic, or perhaps even monotheistic religion. The opposite of a polytheistic religion is a monotheistic religion; a religion where the followers believe in only one god. Since the force Brahman is considered to be anyone, whether it be Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma or even Jesus, Hinduism is monistic. Search for: Recent Posts. Such “exclusive monotheism” rejects th… We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. It is monotheist from relative reality for some sects who are of the opinion that God can be experienced separately and devotee can be in eternal company of his unconditional, infinite love and infinite grace. In the early Upanishads, Brahman is neuter. Yet despite all these gods, many hindus consider that they believe in only one god, in other words, that they are monotheists. Hindus, they argue, commenced to personify the various forces of nature (e. g. , the stars, moon, sun, water, fire, etc. ) Even though Hinduism is mistakenly regarded by many as a religion having many gods namely, polytheism, yet truly speaking Hinduism is a monotheistic religion. ... the direction shows signs of both polytheistic and monotheistic religion that honors the Hinduism … This project will be marked as disputed and your case will have resulted soon by admin. There is no simple ways to answer this question, SolveAssignments - Powered by SolveAssignments, What are you looking for? We are not separate from Brahman; our Atman is Brahman. This segment covers the tortured question about whether Hinduism is monotheistic or polytheistic. Haven’t found the relevant content? Lovely Lawns, Inc., intends to use sales of lawn fertilizer to predict lawn mower sales. (2017, Mar 26). There are no definitive answers supplied, and no one god is credited with creation (Course Reader 1, p. 33). The belief in several gods is called polytheism. It determines the life of an individual. I mean Islam and Christianity are monotheistic. It was revealed that there is one force in the universe, called Brahman, and that our Atman (spiritual self) is a part of this force (Course Reader 1, p. 52). Religions evolve from different customs, traditions, practices and values. Salam everyone! It has many ways of looking at the same God. According to Hinduism, Brahman is the eternal and unchanging force that transcends time and space. There is no god that is greater than another. Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/hinduism-monotheistic-or-polytheistic/. … IS HINDUISM POLYTHEISTIC OR MONOTHEIST ? Lovely Lawns, Inc., intends to use sales of lawn fertilizer to predict lawn mower sales. Recognition of Brahman is so important that it is the only way to escape samsara, and become spiritually liberated. Founders of Hinduism Since Hinduism is a … However, you can bid this project again after canceling. One who finds self incapable of indulging in spirituality unable to follow teachings […] can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. So it got me thinking. Your Comment. The merging of polytheistic and monotheistic concepts in this way is unique to Hinduism. Brahman is still the ultimate force of the universe, and Vishnu is a manifestation of Brahman, as are all of the gods. Why is it difficult to say whether Hinduism is monotheistic or polytheistic? Introduction Is Hinduism really a polytheistic religion or is in fact an amalgam of monotheistic religions? In the Rig Veda, every force of nature was personified and worshipped as separate entities—clearly indicative of polytheism (Course Reader 1, p. 25). When did Hinduism begin? Once you approve this project, the project will be published on your site and available for freelancers to bid. There is no specific time for when Hinduism began because of how ancient this religion is. There is no simple ways to answer this question. And yes, that’s how it is for many hindus - they are polytheists. Polytheism is the belief in, and worship of more than one god. If we perceive the countless Hindu gods as separate and independent, we are not enlightened. It is pluralistic, not polytheistic. The stor…, We discussed the incident that former attorney general, Sally Yates, refused to defend Presi…, WK Qu. The One God of monotheism is not usually a unitary reality or universal truth but an exclusive being that demotes, denies or rejects all other paths or formulations of divinity. droo snir December 20, 2018. The stor… I have many Hindus that live in my old neighborhood and they all said it … There is no simple answer to the question of whether Hinduism is monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, or something else entirely. However, you can unlock this section whenever you want. Hinduism religion... Hinduism mythology believes in existence of 330 million gods... practically one God for every four persons... simply unbelievable! He is not identified as the Supreme Being however—he still requires sacrifice, and is therefore not omnipotent. 15), clearly condemning the worship of his creation. There seems to be a distinct difference between the manifestation gifts (1 Corinthians), the redemptive gifts (Romans 12- prophet, servant, teacher, exhorter, giver, ruler, & mercy), and the ministry gifts. We know that there are three primary nature or qualities sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance). Once the project is deleted, it will be permanently removed from the site and its information won't be recovered. With over a billion adherents, many claim that the religion is monotheistic and helmed by the supreme being, Brahma. Both Buddhism and Hinduism are widely practiced religions of the world. Hinduism has a huge number of gods: Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha, Kali, and well, many more. Hinduism is monotheistic from Point Of View of absolute reality. You can't call it either monotheistic or polytheistic. In Hinduism a believer of religion indulging in rituals considers Hindu religion to be polytheistic. The Ancient Greeks had polytheistic beliefs and this Hellenistic tradition has greatly influenced modern western thought due to the stories of these gods. Among these religions, Buddhism and Hinduism. and worship them. In monotheism, there is belief in and worship of only one god that is a separate entity. It should be noted at the outset, however, that this is chiefly a western difficulty: the Indian mind is much more inclined to regard divergent views as complementary rather than competing. This is quite different from the unitary Deity of Vedic and yogic thought defined as Atman or Purusha, the Supreme Self. According to Hinduism, a Christian is included in this in the manner that Christ is a Christian's path to the Ultimate Reality. Hindu texts and practices suggest the simultaneous existence of polytheism and what seems to be monotheism, but some Hindus find it insulting to be called polytheists. Waddup mr grey source. 3-15 A plumbing repair company has… A plumbing repair company has 3 employees and must c…, : ETING ETHICS Patagonia, a California-based clothing company, uses solar panels to generate most o…, Interbrand corporation does NOT include _____brands in its valuation. In case you renew this project, you have to make the payment. Important polytheistic religions practiced today include Taoism, Shenism, Hinduism, Japanese Shinto, Santeria, and various neopagan faiths. The Hindu concept of God is complex and may be different for each individual, but it revolves around one God or higher spirit. Polytheism, the belief in many gods. I have come to the conclusion that Hinduism is neither, but monistic. This demonstrates that the devas are separate and equal entities. Different traditions of Hinduism have different theistic views, and these views have been described by scholars as polytheism, monotheism, henotheism, panentheism, pantheism, monism, agnostic, humanism, atheism or Nontheism. Comment Cancel reply. It may appear that Hindus worship many separate gods and entities, but it is more complicated than this. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. Such a One God is a “singularity,” a one opposed to others, not a universality that embraces all. If you need anything else, or have a problem with the answer, do please post a Request for Clarification before rating and I shall respond as soon as I can. A polytheistic religion is when the followers of a religion believe in more than one god. You can also lock these files whenever you want. They are both widely recognized as the Supreme Beings, but there are disagreements as to which is the most supreme (Course Reader 1, p. 3). 0 2 Less than a minute. OR . There is no concept of a Supreme Being, only separate Gods that have separate roles. So, contrary to common belief, Hinduism does not have many Gods. ... Is Hinduism Monotheistic Or Polytheistic. Acquiring the sacred knowledge of Brahman is the way to salvation (Course Reader 1, p. 60). It is the totality of everything, and is completely abstract and without qualities (Course Reader 1, p. 64). https://phdessay.com/hinduism-monotheistic-or-polytheistic/, Differences Between Hinduism and Buddhism. Vishnu and Shiva eventually become the most prominent gods in the Hindu tradition. Hinduism denies being exclusively either monotheistic or polytheistic, sometimes believing to be monotheistic but declining to polytheism with many Hindu schools regarding it as henotheistic. In the Puranas, this force is personified as the Creator God Brahma—while Vishnu and Shiva are being called Brahman simultaneously (Course Reader 1, p. 111). Once you remove the project, it will no longer appear on your working page. That is for world religions …. fiercepam-ga rated this answer: and gave an additional tip of: $4.50 PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Hinduism: Monotheistic or Polytheistic. Once the project is archived, you can only renew or permanently delete it. For a Christian, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is not a form or force of God, but is God. Both were correct in their perception. Please provide as many as proofs and statement explaining why you quit the project. The term “Hinduism” embraces a wide array of philosophies and practices, and while certain Hindus may think and worship in an essentially monotheistic way, the practices of others may be more readily labeled polytheistic or pantheistic. On a lower level of truth, there are many different gods and goddesses that are distinct in Hinduism. He wrote Cur Deus Homo. It is now obvious to me that Hinduism will never me a monotheistic religion, there is far too much variation between its followers, and too many gods that are worshipped. (Done:)Why is it difficult to say whether Hinduism is monotheistic or polytheistic? This paradox can be traced to the history of Hinduism. Scholars Whereas a traveler of spiritual path, follower of teachings contained in Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads considers Hinduism to be monotheistic. It is not easy to count gods, and so not always obvious whether an apparently polytheistic religion, such as Hinduism, is really so, or whether the different apparent objects of worship are to be thought… - Hinduism is a collective term applied to the many philosophical and religious traditions native to India. Workspace is still available for you to access in case of necessary. So, Hinduism isn't quite a polytheistic concept, yet not particularly monotheistic. Once you unlock this section, freelancer can add a new file or delete the upload files. It seems more reasonable to state and argue that Hinduism is polytheistic. Hinduism is all into one. Many people consider that the reason why Hinduism is polytheistic is because Hinduism combines millions of gods; however, it is not the exact definition of the given religion. Born in 1033, Anselm of Canterbury was a Christian theologian whose most celebrated work was his “ontological argument” for the existence of God. Hinduism is neither strictly polytheistic nor strictly monotheistic. With the revelation of the Upanishads, Hinduism began to evolve into a monistic tradition. The warrior god Indra is eventually elevated to King of the Gods in the Vedic tradition. Is Hinduism monotheistic or polytheistic? Over time, Hinduism has evolved from a polytheistic religion to one that is widely monistic. The side you're talking cannot be validated since the religion itself is so vague and different everywhere you go. Google Search terms used: hinduism polytheism monotheism hinduism polytheistic hinduism monotheistic I hope this answer has you what you need. The One Source becomes an infinite number of things taking on numerous forms, but ultimately there is and always shall be only One (Course Reader 1, p. 59). Some of the most prevalent polytheistic religions are Chinese, Japanese Shinto, Greek, Egyptian, Hinduism etc. Therefore, we are Brahman and the gods are Brahman. Save time and let our verified experts help you. Why is it difficult to say whether Hinduism is monotheistic or polytheistic? Exactly, monotheism simply means the acknowledgment of one god. Expert Answer. The concept of God has been differently defined for people of different nature and qualities. The gods they worship bring them to the One Source, or the Ultimate Reality to finish their reincarnations. It is revealed that all things come from The One Source, known as Brahman. If you type is "Hinduism" in youtube, the first video is a girl with blue eyes telling about Hinduism. For them, their respective Gods are most important, just like in any other Temple. There are many known religions of the world and all of them have their own uniqueness about them. We will review the reports from both freelancer and employer to give the best decision. Tags. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki Pocket WhatsApp Telegram Viber Share via Email Print. They believe that God cannot manifest into physical form, and certainly cannot be personified. From religious point of view, Hinduism is polytheistic... believes in existence of many gods... totaling 330 million gods in all! Some people are born into their religious faith and some are converts. Later in the Rig Veda, questions arise concerning creation and death. Source(s): https://shrink.im/a8JZZ. There are many denominations, And while one person believes in a god, Another Hindu can believe in infinite gods. It is a religion that long long ago, before any other religion had appeared in this world, had discovered that there is only ONE GOD. Hire, By creating an account, you agree to our Term of Use and Privacy policy. In the Rig Veda, it states that “Not one of you, gods, is small, not one a little child; all of you are truly great. Once you cancel the bid, this project will be removed from your working list. OR . THE HEART OF MAN OR THE SPIRITUAL HEART MIRROR (An Allegorical Representation in Ten Pictures) This booklet originated in France in 1732, was revised and re-written for the mission fields. Hinduism incorporates diverse views on the concept of God. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. | faith with droo. There is no difference between the contents of the Universe, and the cause of the Universe. During this time, Hinduism was unapologetically polytheistic. The belief in, or worship of, many gods. In this sense we are not separate from the gods, but the same. In the Bible, Paul says “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator” (New International Version, Gen. 3. This soon changes, with the introduction of Vishnu and Shiva. number: 206095338. No one is completely certain of where Hinduism was started and by whom it was led. The ancient scholars, seers understood that as humans we can only relate to what we know. Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, pandeism, monism, and atheism among others; and its concept of creator deity is complex and depends upon each individual and the tradition and philosophy followed. Elsewhere, he wrote: “The bewildering polytheism of the masses and the uncompromising monotheism of the classes are for the Hindu the expressions of one and the same force at different levels.” Once the item is deleted, it will be permanently removed from the site and its information won't be recovered. However, today Hinduism. Songs are sung and festivals are celebrated just like any Temple. Anonymous. Hinduism as a collective culture of many philosophies is henotheist-panentheistic-polytheistic from viewpoint of relative reality. Thank you. Religion is the basic belief which one practices. privately owned glob…. Name * Email * Website. It will take 3-5 business days for reviewing after receiving two reports. Once you lock the files, freelancer cannot add a new file or delete any uploaded files. The Vedic gods are still worshipped, but are nowhere near as powerful. Hinduism is not a specific religion. The nature of Brahman is described as non-dual and both personal and impersonal. Jews and Muslims would surely say that Hinduism is polytheistic—for them, worship of anything that is not the Supreme Being is a sin. Please give the employer a message to explain why you reject his/her project. For free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing.. Humans we can only relate to what we know is described as non-dual and both personal and impersonal,... Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads considers Hinduism to be polytheistic is deleted, it be. 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