School Open Mornings taking place, come along! Only students who attain the standard prescribed by the London Borough of Bexley for admittance That means that if there are more applicants than places available they won’t all have the same priorities for deciding who gets one. Paper copies of application forms are only available from the Bexley Civic Offices … - A Primary school (Reception) - A Junior school (Year 3) - A Secondary school (Year 7) Please note the closing date for secondary applications is Saturday 31st October 2020, do not leave making your application till the last minute. Behaviour Strategy - Parents Meeting Wednesday 18th December, 8.50am, School Meals at Willow Bank this term! Curriculum: British. 3. This allows schools to sequence applicants within oversubscription categories, where the school uses home-to-school distance as the “tie break” test. A copy of the 'Admission to Primary Schools in Bexley 2021/22' booklet can be found by visiting the Bexley Council website at during the application period. This statement is provided in accordance with the Department for Education School Admission Appeals Code of Practice. The closing date for on time applications was 31 October 2020. If you would like any of the attached documents printed, please let a member of staff at the front office know. You can check those arrangements with each of the schools you’re interested in, or read through our PDF booklet - Admission to secondary schools in Bexley 2021. Each grammar school and how it fared 1) Invicta Grammar School. ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR 2020 – 2021 Admission Arrangements: At Age 11 This school participates in the Bexley Co-ordinated Secondary School Admissions Scheme and the application process dates will be those set out in that scheme. The Service Desk is available between 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday, with the exception of Bank Holidays. The list includes the home-to-school distance calculated by the London Borough of Bexley’s Geographic Information System (GIS) map measuring system. Find out about our secondary schools and when to apply for a place ... Find out what to do if you want your child to go to a different school during the school year or if you are new to Bexley and need to apply for a school place. Schools and education Apply for a secondary school place You can apply for a place at a state secondary school online or by using your council’s application form. Admission arrangements for secondary schools in Bexley: PDF booklet - Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools 2020 to 2021; Beths Grammar School; Bexley … Secondary School Admissions 2021. Erith School. Local Authorities exchange application information with each other so that each Local Authority has a complete list of all the children for whom applications have been made to schools within its area. Forms should be returned directly to the school concerned. Free school meals ... Our annual admissions report to the Schools Adjudicator. In those cases, the highest preference is retained. We strongly recommend that you visit the schools you’re most interested in to find out more about them. In respect of the pages: Apply for an infant/primary, junior, secondary or KS4 place, step 1 on the page has the guide for parents booklet which includes information on how to apply for a school place, the admission criteria for each school and school contact details. SIFSept19v2. Stay informed about the topics you choose to receive regular email updates. Parents offered a place in a Bexley school but who do not live in the borough, received the offer letter from their home Local Authority. Admission to Secondary Schools in Bexley 2020. Cherry Tree Breakfast and After-School Club; Staff Vacancies; Admissions. Founded: 1967. September 2021 application; In year admissions; Secondary School Admissions; Appeals; Children. ... A Bexley secondary school has introduced a new online careers guidance programme to help senior students prepare for their future outside of school. The “rank order” of each applicant is entered on the Authority’s database. The Government has announced opens in a new window that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020, and has outlined accountability arrangements opens in a new window for 2020/21. All our secondary schools are academies, and they can set their own arrangements. Some schools use ability banding tests to decide how many pupils to admit at each level. The application period began on 1st September 2020 and ends on 15th January 2021. SIFSept19v2 Download ©2020 St Columba's Open Day. Starting Secondary School 2021 Presentation for Parents.pdf BEXLEY SELECTION TESTS 2020 If you would like your child to be included in the selection test on Wednesday 4th November 2020, you MUST register them online between 1st May and 3rd July 2020 via the Bexley website at Any lower preferences that the child qualified for are discarded as “not required as a higher preference is being offered”. Home; Sign In ... You can list Bexley schools … The Bexley selection test results are available before the closing date for secondary applications so that parents can make informed preferences. Things to do over half term in the community. And for pupils transferring into a Bexley secondary in year 10 or 11, there’s very … Each preference is considered separately regardless of its rank on the application form. For a faith school, you’ll usually also have to fill out an extra form about your child’s religious background. Bexley Grammar School Admissions Policy 2020-2021 The number of intended admissions for the year commencing September 2020 is 224. Applications for admission must be made via the local authority, more information can be found at services/children-families-and-education/education-and-services- children/school-admissions/secondary-schools Applications for September 2020 must be received by the 31st October 2019. The ‘Admission to Primary Schools’ brochure, produced annually by the Bexley Local Authority, sets out details for admission to schools for 5-11 year olds and is available from the school or can be downloaded below. If your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary school in September 2021 and you missed the deadline, you still need to apply for a secondary school place online. There are 16 secondary schools in Bexley. Academic Year 20- 21 term dates are now available! Admission arrangements for secondary schools in Bexley: Some schools, mainly voluntary aided faith schools, ask parents to complete a supplementary information form when applying for a place for their child at the school. If your child is about to enter year 6 at Willow Bank Primary School find attached information from London Borough of Bexley regarding the Transfer to secondary school in September 2020. You should check with the schools you’re interested in to see if your child will have to sit one. Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Guidance and support. Archive - Friday, 1 May 2020. The London Borough of Bexley administers the applications process according to Hope’s admissions policy which can be viewed here or copies are available from the School … Friday 15th November Pyjamas Day for Children in Need. It collates waiting list requests from its own residents and residents of other Local Authorities and sends waiting list requests to admission authorities. All our secondary schools are academies, which means they can decide their own priorities for allocating places. If your child is about to enter year 6 at Willow Bank Primary School find attached information from London Borough of Bexley regarding the Transfer to secondary school in September 2020. When you apply, you can choose up to six preferences for your child. The Best Secondary Schools Near Bexley These are the top 10 secondary schools near Bexley ordered by their A-Level result then GCSE results. If your child is already at Harris Garrard Academy and you want them to stay there for secondary, you don’t have to apply again. 2. School admission arrangements are organised centrally by Bexley Council. The London Borough of Bexley allows parents to express up to 6 preferences. Admission to Bexley Grammar School into Year 7 is open to those who are deemed selective following the Bexley Selection Tests which were held in November. At other times, there are far fewer options. The Governors of the school put the applicants in rank order in accordance with the school’s oversubscription criteria, after conducting tests to place applicants in ability bands if appropriate and return the list of applicants in that order to the School Admissions Team. The London Borough of Bexley have also produced a PowerPoint Presentation for parents to explain the transfer … The Admissions team operates within the Bexley Policy and Planning department, providing arrangements for school admissions. Back to Top. If you’re applying for a place in a faith school, check with them if they need an extra form with more information. We have a list of all school details, and you can get in touch or check their websites to find out about open days and appointments. This statement explains the role of the London Borough of Bexley as the coordinating authority for applications for all secondary schools in Bexley. PLANS are underway to create a new independent secondary school in Bexley for children with autism. YUM, Times Table Rock Stars Come to Willow Bank, Willow Bank Primary School Volunteer Workshop, World Book Day - Pyjamas Day - Thursday 5th March 2020, Coronavirus update from Department for Education, Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives, Returning to primary school: what parents need to know, Message from Bexleyâs Director of Public Health, Modern Foreign Language Day at Willow Bank Primary School, Self-Care Top Tips for Young Parents & Carers, Christmas Jumper Day - 11th December 2020, Christmas Lunch - Friday 11th December 2020. SCHOOL ADMISSIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2020 – Apply by 15th January 2021. The second part of the process looks at children who are eligible for more than one preference. Open Morning for Prospective Parents Tomorrow! We’re one of the best boroughs in London at offering your first or second choice place when you apply at the beginning of primary or secondary school. Moving on to Secondary School Set out below is information from the local authority, Bexley Council, about applying for secondary schools or registering for secondary schools. Is this page useful?Yes No. The system records whether or not the child is eligible for each preference. All the secondary schools in Bexley are Academies and the Local Authority is longer the admission authority for any secondary school. Frequently asked questions about secondary school admissions; Secondary school admission guide. Co-ordinated Secondary School Admissions work on the basis that parents submit a Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) to their home Local Authority listing their preferred schools regardless of the Local Authority area in which the schools are situated. Children's Learning Zone and Useful Links, Admission to Secondary Schools in Bexley 2020 21, Behaviour and Learning Strategy- Paarents Meeting, Stay & Play at Northumberland Heath Primary School: Every Friday 1.30pm-3pm, Family Hub Drop In: Every Friday 9am-11.15am, Year 4 - What's on the Menu? Could you collect a free donation for Willow Bank Primary School? Geography Teacher / Geography NQT – September 2020 – Bexley Secondary School Due to expansion and natural growth, our long-standing client school are … Send See You have to register for your child to take the selection test. Gender: Girls Gender: Girls ; Admission: Selective ; National rank: 6th ; Total score: 82 ; 2) Dartford Grammar School for Girls. Bexley’s School Admissions Team notifies the parents of every child living in Bexley for whom there is an on-time application, of the outcome of their application, whether the school offered is in Bexley or another Local Authority area. A few are grammar schools, which means they can choose who goes there based on a selection test (which used to be known as the ’11 plus’ exam). The supplementary information forms for schools in Bexley are listed below. Please visit: The allocation process is then run in three parts: 1. Please check back in the Autumn term for updates. Applicants who have not qualified to be offered any of the preferences expressed are offered a place by the home Local Authority at the nearest school to the family home that has vacancies at this stage of the allocation process. Applications for admissions to Reception in September 2021 will be open to children born between 01.09.2016 and 31.08.2017. ... complete it in BLOCK CAPITALS and return to the school office by 30th October 2020. At this stage, Local Authorities inform each other of the places that can be offered in their schools to children resident in other areas. Admission update. Skip to content . Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, How Bexley decide secondary school places, After your child is offered a secondary school place, PDF booklet - Admission to secondary schools in Bexley 2021, PDF booklet - Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools 2020 to 2021, PDF - Admission to secondary schools in Bexley. Emails were sent to those who applied online on 2 March 2020, and letters were posted by first class post on 2 March 2020 to those who applied on a paper form and to online applicants not offered their first preference. Some Academies choose to delegate the sequencing of applicants to the Local Authority where their oversubscription criteria are identical to those previously used by the authority for community schools. Children born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010 will transfer to secondary school in September 2021. you … They will always prioritise children who attend services regularly. You don’t have to fill in all six, but putting down only one doesn’t give you a better chance of getting in. Please see our Admissions Policies (Year 7 and Sixth Form) for September 2021 entry below. School places are allocated by Bexley using their criteria and Longlands does not have any additional admission criteria . Due to Covid-19 open days for admission in academic year 2021-22 have not been set. You can also obtain paper copies from the schools. February 2019, Our Community is important - Durkan Community Newsletter, Come and join us to celebrate International Women's Day - 8th March 2019, International Women's Day - 8th March 2019, Congratulations - Girl's Football Team, March 2019, 2019 National Curriculum Tests for KS1 & KS2, Celebrating the partnership between Woodland Academy Trust and Just Imagine, Willow Bank & Durkan Art Competition - Bringing our community together, Curriculum Coffee Mornings: Tuesday 30th April, Wednesday 1st May & Thursday 2nd May 9.00-9.30am, And the winner is...... Durkan & WBP Art Competition, Gold Level Green Mark Award awarded by KM Charity Team, Congratulations to the Art competition winners, Nominate Willow Bank Primary to be in with a chance of winning £5000 of books, Bee swarm arrives at Willow Bank Primary School, Parenting course at Northumberland Heath: 4th June 2019, School Closure this afternoon - 24th June 2019, Race for Life fundraising event - 1st July 2019, Admission to Secondary Schools in Bexley 2020, ROALD DAHL DAY â FRIDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 2019, Willow Bank has been identified as a âBest Practice Representativeâ, Special menu as part of black history month celebrations, This Thursday, Young Minds Charity collection. The Local Authority provides each school with a list of the applicants who have been offered places. For a child to be considered for a place at Bexley Grammar School, they must have been deemed selective in the Bexley … A ‘casual’ or ‘in year’ admission is when a student is admitted to the school, outside of the normal secondary transfer period (when a student enters the school from Year 6 into Year 7). Admission to secondary school in September 2021. Our grammar schools are selective, which means they can choose pupils based on test results. The School Admissions Team of the London Borough of Bexley submits to each Academy in the borough a list of children whose parents have applied for the school on their SCAF. Education can transform people’s lives and at Welling School I am absolutely determined that the students who attend our school will be given the very best opportunities to excel. if you do not live in Bexley, please contact your home Local Authority to find out how to apply, you can apply for Bexley schools, but on the form supplied by your home LA. When notified by a school that an additional vacancy has arisen and which child the vacancy should be offered to, the Local Authority makes the offer of the place to Bexley residents on behalf of the admission authority or informs the applicant’s home local authority that the offer can be made. Address: Avenue Road Erith Kent. The following 10 schools have been ranked and rated as part of the Real Schools Guide 2020 - a Reach plc analysis, compiled by our in-house data unit. To compare all secondary schools near Bexley in more detail use our intuitive schools map , where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more. Welling School, located in the Borough of Bexley, is an 11-18 mixed Academy, part of the TKAT family of schools. Christmas Jumper & Meal Day, Friday 13th December! On the advice of the Education Commission of the Archdiocese of Southwark the governing body of St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary school has agreed the following statement in order to clarify how its faith-based oversubscription criteria will be interpreted whilst churches are closed or attendance at church is not possible due to COVID19. Information for parents applying to Bexley Secondary Schools. Entrance to Bexley Grammar School in September 2021 (For children born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010 inclusive) The number of intended admissions for the year commencing September 2021 is 192. If you would like any of the attached documents printed, please let a member of staff at the front office know. You can apply for all schools through our form. Wednesday 18th December, 8.50am, school meals at Willow Bank this term senior prepare... Banding tests to decide how many pupils to admit at each level cases! At each level preference is being offered ” Policies ( year 7 Sixth. 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